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Re: refund listing fees from fraud

I have communicated with SellMyTimeshareNow's Chris Grand and Elizabeth Lamendola several times in the last two weeks. They are devious, persistent and not too smart. A large upfront fee like SellMyTimeshareNow charges is a sign of a scam, rather than a legitimate sales opportunity; there is no incentive on their part to do anything once they have your money. Coupled with a BBB rating of C-, they have sealed their fate, if anyone checks. SellMyTimeshareNow believes their own hype and BS, and they are dysfunctional. SellMyTimeshareNow have misappropriated money from others by their misrepresentations and lies. That is not decent and if they had a conscience, they would feel guilty. However any confrontation with them is futile and a waste of time. With any luck karma will catch up with them. Stay away from this slimy company or you will require many hot showers to get their stink off you. But then, I like to sugar coat things.