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Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

William, I’m not sure exactly what he means the way his comment was phrased. I feel the most valuable statistic would be the number of unique (unduplicated) posters on all the MC forums for the last five years, as well as the number of unduplicated visitors for the same period. The first stat would allow us to understand how truly “representative “ the forum is, and the second, what percentage of MC owners are reachable through this channel. I would be grateful if RedWeek could provide this info, but they have no obligation. It may be a simple computer report or it may be more complex and have a cost. This may be more involved in our issue than they want to get. I don’t know. So I’ll just wait and see. PS. Chris, I’m not criticizing you. I’m trying to clarify something technical before you ask someone to do work for you.