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Re: Ka'anapali Beach Owners Check Here

KBC / Diamond rigged the election again it seems! They are ignoring my request for weighted vote counts but I'll keep trying. Diamond claims to have the right to cast votes on behalf of every owner who places their weeks into the trust. They use these thousands of votes to over-rule the actual votes of the owners. Hopefully the formatting doesnt get too jumbled- here is a cut and paste of this years election sham. Ka'anapali Beach Club Board of Directors Election VOA Director Candidates: Total Votes: Dennis C. Terry 105 Duane Kelling 125 Jason Fudenberg 520 Kathy Wheeler 74,826 Kristen Kirkpatrick 342 Rolin "Ron" Wade 74,848 Steve Carrozzo 645 Terrence Campbell 343 AOAO Director Candidates: Total Votes: Dennis C. Terry 26 Duane Kelling 32 Edward Rickenbacker 74,603 Jason Fudenberg 144 Kristen Kirkpatrick 125 Steve Carrozzo 185 Terrence Campbell 103