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Fraudulent Scams from Mexican Lawyers for Resale of my Resort Vacation Weeks

Purchase offer of my Resort weeks at Bahia Principe Privilege Club by A&T Real Estate Holding in Chicago, and an Attorney in Mexico city, asking for wire transfers to Mexican banks to conclude the purchase of my Resorts Weeks, so I can receive the funds stated in the contract I received by Email in February 2019 from Frank Saavedra. This scam was still ongoing till November 2019 after I had lost a large sum of money through seven wire transfers; with a recent further request to pay an additional international wire transfer fee in order to finally receive my promised funds. After several calls from different scammers pressuring me to conclude this fraudulent transaction and receive my funds, I repeatedly told the Mexican Attorney (Lic. Jose Antonio Cuevas Ibarra) that I was not going to transfer any more money as I was certain by now that this was a well orchestrated fraudulent scam from the beginning with fake documents and fake buyer offer from “Trivago”, with the Attorney colluding together with an A&T Real Estate Holding of Chicago agent Frank Saavedra; and there was never any intention of sending me the money guaranteed in the written sale contract offer I had received. All the seven wire transfers were sent to Mexican banks from Feb 27 to beginning of August 2019. Later in August, another Mexican attorney in Guadalajara, Miguel Alvarez ( Ced: 4594890, Oficina Central de Recuperación Inmediata) contacted me to offer his help in recuperating my money. He required receipts of all the money I had lost, I sent him the copies of the wire transfers I did. He later advised me that he has been able to recuperate all the lost funds I had transferred based on a Mexican court judgment in my favor, and the amount I had lost would be sent back to me by wire transfer to bank account once I pay some conversion fees. I sent him the required fees which he kept. I never got back any of my lost funds. Persons responsible of this fraudulent scam: Lic. Jose Antonio Cuevas Ibarra (Juridico Rodriguez Y Associados) Frank Saavedra of A&T Real Estate Holdings Lic. Miguel Angel De La Isla Alvarez (OCRI)