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Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

Chris, I never accused you of being boring. You are far from being boring. I never accused you of not being concise. You are very concise. No one has to wonder what you thinking. The three questions I asked are, in my opinion, very important questions. Read the post again. I did not attack you or anyone else. It is interesting that when questions are asked to which some do not know the answers, they attack. Months ago, pages ago, I was called a plant because I said some things many of you didn't like. It just happened again. I'm not a plant. I'm just a guy who moved from NJ to Maine when I retired. Because my wife and I missed NYC we bought into TMC. We don't even own a week each year. We own seven days every two years. It costs us about $1500 each year, $3000 for the seven days. It is a lot, I know, but it filled a void in our lives. I'm not wealthy. My wife and I are retired public school teachers. Don't name call and attack those with whom you disagree. Read my three questions again. They are good questions. Again, I hope you all get what you want. For me, reduced maintenance is all I want. I don't see Mr. Zimmerman accomplishing that. I don't think I have a reason to participate in the legal action as I use my three or four days each year. I never lost a day.