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Original Message:

ask-redweek-timeshare-owners-vs-developers (by Maggie J.):

Owners at Carriage Hills and Carriage Ridge resorts in Ontario, Canada...developer and management company Wyndham. We have an archaic timeshare agreement containing "In-Perpetuity" clause, one sided bylaws and agreement favour the developer not the consumer. Owners are aging out, delinquencies are 20% and increasing, we are trapped. Wyndham says our legacy resort has no value, no one wants it. We have been asking for an exit strategy since Wyndham took over. They ignore us. Owners are desperate. We have over 2,000 owners on FB at "Carriage Hills and Carriage Ridge Owners". Check out Wyndham making record profits and our own HOA is suing owners for non payment of fees. We are not allowed access to Wyndham's Ovation program...they only want marketable units and they have repeatedly said that we are not...yet they rent their units for less than we pay for maintenance fees. Share this post please...we are trying to reach all owners to make them aware of the financial situation at the resorts and the concerns with ever increasing maintenance fees.