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Original Message:

ask-redweek-timeshare-owners-vs-developers (by Shar S.):

There are so many complaints on line about time shares and especially Wyndham and its subsidiary companies. We would also like to find people who are interested in a class action case or have done one. It is hard to find lawyers for that and it seems there are reasons. What Wyndham is doing now, this cross selling and loading people with all sorts of products they never anticipated filled with debt, like credit cards, bank accounts, and so on is exactly what Wells Fargo did - Called cross selling and if you look at the documentary on Dirty Money the Wells Fargo episode is exactly what Wyndham is doing now. There must be a way to stop this and if we keep talking about it and pointing to this dreadful sales practice which targets elders, a protected group, maybe someone will hear us.