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Re: Caution - renting out exchanged weeks ... (by Steve K.):

I think the rules are created to give RCI and II an advantage in renting them out themselves -- to eliminate competition. The RCI gobbledygook you quoted above is almost unintelligble, but what undermines the entire set of rules above is that RCI quietly sells traded weeks to brokers to rent out for them. Why would they do that if renting traded weeks really harms owners?

I don't agree with these rules. If I have traded a valuable week and do all the work to find a suitable week to exchange it for, I don't see any difference in renting the traded week just as I would rent my owned week. I didn't obtain the traded week in any way that gave me some advantage over others in the network -- they could have obtained it just as I did. But when RCI sells them to wholesale brokers to rent out, THEY are undermining the value of the network because those weeks weren't made available to other members.

By the way, I have myself rented a week from one of those brokers who told me that RCI sold it to them at wholesale. I haven't ever rented out one that I traded for, but I would like to.