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Would like to know what I am doing wrong. (by Nancy F.):

From everything I have read our TS should be selling. I have had a few inquiries, maybe 3. They are generally only one email,and then nothing. We priced it low, and listed on more than one site. I am quick to respond to emails. I don't know what else to do.

Our maintenance fees are coming due for the year and frankly we don't want to pay them and then not have it to use this year. Ours is EOY odd years. I am getting frustrated, and need some advice. IMO we have it low, do I need to go lower?

The last inquiry asked what was my rock bottom, *including closing*. It seems like in FL that could be upwards of 600-700. I really don't want to take more off the price with us paying those fees. Any advice? I hate to literallly give it away, of course would be better to keep it if we do that.