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Original Message:

Re: Anybody Heard of Timeshares United? (by R P.):

Again - NEVER EVER pay an upfront fee to any company to sell your timeshare. If they are a legitimate business they will take the fee AFTER the sale, not BEFORE.

The upfront fee companies take your money and put your timeshare on a list, that's all they do, they don't market it. You can do the same thing here at Redweek where there's a lot of internet traffic, or other listing sites, and save yourself a bundle of money.

The upfront fee salespeople are very good at what they do - persuading a desperate seller to list with them, much like a developer salesperson - they are very convincing. They will also tell you that your week is worth much more than it actually is. I honestly don't see how these people sleep at night.

Ask this nice lady if she will take the fee after the sale and see what she says.