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Original Message:

Re: Re: Re: BlueGreen Vacations Timeshare Scam Warning!!! (by Debby B.):

See my post above here. Our sales guy told us upfront to be flexible and don't expect to get what you want but to be open to what is available, we've used his advice for 15 years. The sales person is the one who "lied" not Bluegreen. And we keep checking back!! We were pleasantly surprised this past Thanksgiving, since more owners are in Bluegreen it has been harder for us to find open places, (but Bluegreen keeps adding properties so we just wait) and Big Sky Mt is one that we haven't gotten into for quite awhile, but one evening I just "checked again" and sure enough the week of Thanksgiving was available. We booked it so fast, and had a wonderful week on the mountain for Thanksgiving. Doesn't happen all the time but this time was a nice surprise and the best!!

julietteh9 wrote:
Can we sue blue-green? I bought a package as well and can NEVER use anything because everything is booked or whatever.....are we stuck with the payments and dues?