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Original Message:

Re: Re: BlueGreen Vacations Timeshare Scam Warning!!! (by KC):

lifeofd wrote:
…And they give you 30 days from the day you become an owner to back out and receive a refund.

Rescission (cancellation) periods are determined by the laws of individual states. In the U.S., that time period is as few as 3 days in several states, 5-7 days in most states, 10 days in Florida and Tennessee. No state law provides a longer rescission period than the 10 days provided by Florida and Tennessee.

Is the “30 days” cancellation period to which you make reference expressed in writing within the contract, or are you just repeating a verbal statement made by a hungry sales weasel? I ask because in my many years of experience with timeshares, I have NEVER heard of a “30 day rescission period” ANYWHERE --- I doubt that any such thing exists at all. I find it very hard to believe that any developer would ever willingly provide a cancellation period which is three to ten times longer than the longest rescission period provided by any state law in existence anywhere in the U.S.

In short, color me VERY dubious about the accuracy of your stated claim that "they give you 30 days to back out".