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Jennie, I do disagree with the idea most people don't know about Tug! I was sent there last year from Trip Advisor to get some answers and I did! I do see some of the same people on both sites too!

I had never heard of Redweek and I will spend much more time reading about different topics on timesharing on Tug than Redweek any day!

I finally joined Redweek and did pay to list our condo for rent with no interest for Memorial Week and it wasn't the price before someone goes there!

Another person pulled his ad and had the resort rent it out and it only took two days to do what he couldn't get done on Redweek. We as owners e-mailed each other about this and three weeks later with same results (none) I gave up too!

I pulled our ad two weeks before our week because we used it and decided to stop wasting any more time with ad on here!

The resort told me they could rent it because they were booked out but we used it ourselves!

I will not throw more money away on ads and have already given our lock-off for 2008 winter months to the resort to rent! This cost me nothing including no wasted time !

I see some brag how they rent on here all the time and that is great. I have stated this before that probably for everyone that rents there probably is a thousand that don't.

I also like the fact that many owners and Tug admins talk to you and try and help! I asked a question few weeks ago to another owners and next morning I had very nice e-mail from Admin explaining what to do and solved my problem without me even asking him! Here on Redweek its the same people like jayjay and you do get some good information most of the time. I think Redweek is a decent site but its not the American Flag and Moms Apple Pie some make it out to be, its just a forum for timeshares!

I will give credit to Marty after seeing post and people only hearing from jayjay on nearly all post Marty has stepped it up and starting talking to more members on here! Now if she would stop deleting every post that has words with jayjay it would be great!

I know jayjay only thinks Redweek is the site to use. She seems to dislike anyone who uses other sites and maybe because from what I have been told by others she was banned on Tug for life. I think telling people about all sites that can help is a good thing and this isn't knocking Redweek because I am a member also.

I have had owners e-mail me on Tug asking me a question or trying to answer one for me . On here your told how to think and if you disagree your wrong!

I had a owner e-mail me when he found we were going to be in same area and ask and also gave me some new idea's of our area! We went to dinner one night at his resort (WALLY'S) and had great dinner! Have been back for dinner three times now!

I feel because more than one or two people try and help others that Tug is better site and much more friendly! IMHO