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Original Message:


phill, I don't believe that there are any members here trying to tell people 'what to do' and 'how to think'. You have to remember that we answer questions trying to give accurate advice/information due to our personal experience(s) concerning timesharing.

It's up to the reader whether to follow that advice, go on to the next advice or ignore any advice altogether (kind of like performing due diligence when buying a timeshare) .... the same with any other timeshare forum. They are all opinions/experiences of the writer.

There are beginning to be more timeshare educated people posting on Redweek's forums, which I am glad to see. I hope it continues.

Stay around ....... :o)

phill12 wrote:
I try and help people on these sites when it is a subject I understand but I will also tell someone where to go when they try and tell me how to think. There have been post on here from people that do this and try and be a smart A-- about it and I will not take it from them,I'm not shy!

There are many things I don't know and that is why I am on these sites also!