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Original Message:

Re: Help with points question... Please (by Mary D.):

johnp499 wrote:
I am in the process of purchasing a points timeshare and am confused about the number of points. It is at Sedona Pines Resort # 4968 a one bedroom week # 16. According to the resort that week is 52.500 points but the deed is only for 42,000 points. The reply I received from the seller was " When converting to RCI Points you can choose how many points you would like to pay for and receive annually. The deeded week has nothing to do with the amount of points and besides RCI has changed their point values several times over the years" As you can see I am very new to this and need advice. Thanks

I was going to suggest that perhaps you were going to pay the White season price for a unit that requires 42,000 points in Red season--but Sedona is all Red time with RCI. This is a Gold Crown resort, but the explanation the salesman gave you is very...odd. If you are still "in the process", I would certainly get this clarified before you sign on the dotted line.

Does Sedona Pines have an internal points system of its own, separate from RCI? Could 42,000 of the resort's own point system equal 52,500 in the RCI POINTS system? I read all the rules and regulations for RCI POINTS today (20p) and ran across nothing that explains this. md