Note: Please do not post ads in the timeshare forums. If you want to add a timeshare posting, go here.

Original Message:


Re: >> ... your positive post has really made me feel better. << =====================================

It shouldn't, since it is almost certainly a shill posting.

In 20+ years of timeshare ownership, I have NEVER heard of anyone successfully selling a timeshare through ANY upfront fee parasite advertiser. NOT ONCE.

They now have your money and they will place a lame ad, at much too high a listing price, on some obscure and rarely viewed web site. Their work is now done. You will never hear from them (or any "buyer") again.

If my statement and prediction above miraculously proves to be wrong, please come back and report that you are the FIRST in my experience to ever have one of these obscure, upfront fee "advertising" outfits succeed in "selling" your timeshare. I won't be holding my breath in the meantime, however.