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Re: Renting Weeks at Mayan Palace (by Mary D.):

lisag275 wrote:
kekouri wrote:
Many of the Palace ( and other) Mexican resorts sell timeshare RTU contracts that MUST {by Mexican law } include the rescind clause. It must be in the contract that states the time period for the buyer to rscind. ( Guess what?....I forgot the time limit...but that doesn't matter).

What the salesperson would so would say we are adding so much...or giving you such a great deal... that we must have you initial that paragraph and waive you right. (Or they never put it in the contract to begin with.) I

If that happened, the contract is void. I think I saw two posts on these forums & many on tug where the resort had to return all the money ( ALL THE MONEY) to the people they (tried to ) sell to.

Its unbelievable that such a nice place as the Palace Groups allow this to happen. Its never heard of being done at the ISCO Royal Resorts in Cancun, on the Caymens, or even the slightly troubled Royal managed Pelican Resort on St Martin. PALACE IS THE JOKE of the TS Industry (IMO). Promises, Promises.....Wink, Wink.... They all musta grew up in my childhhood county....Thats Hudson County in NJ.....

lisag275 wrote:
kekouri wrote:
Did they have you initial any part of the contract where it talks about your right to rescind the purchase before a certain time period ?

If don't have a valid contract. You will be let out of it, along with all $$ returned to you.

Hmm...I'll have to check. So you're saying that if I DID sign something that said we can get out of our contract within a certain time period, then my contract is invalid? Why is that?

We actually had no idea that we could cancel our contract at all. Our salespeople told us that, according to Mexican law, we HAD to make our decision THAT DAY and that was it. No mention of a period of time to rescind. They told us that Mexican law stated that if we don't buy today, we couldn't buy from or even contact the Mayan Group for an extended period of time (I don't remember the exact time period, but it was definitely more than a year.) Thus if we "passed this opportunity up today, we couldn't get it back" As for the contract, after reading all of the fine print (once I was home from the honeymoon, of course...after the time period to rescind had expired) I did see that there is a section that says: "you have the right to cancel this agreement within 5 days after the date you sign by (A) returning all documentation to the member service representative at the resort with all signees being present, and (B) sending written notification by certified mail, return receipt requested, within 5 days from the date you sign the agreement, to the administrative center..." We didn't initial that exact section, but we did sign the contract. Like I said before, the salespeople never made us aware of this part of the contract, and never went through the "long" contract with us...they gave us a "shortened" version that they said was exactly the same as the long one except easier to read/understand. The "short" version said nothing of the 5 day cancelation period. Anyway, even though they didn't make us aware of the 5 day cancelation period, it was in the contract so it looks like we don't have a case, right?


Actually, I believe there is some law/rule which is intended to prevent the sales people from hounding you if you don't say yes the first time and they may also make special offers to encourage you to buy immediately (for obvious reasons). That is quite separate from the right to cancel within 5 days.

However, all is not lost if you do have a contract which is beyond the date to cancel. I have had rather good luck renting Mayan Palace for a comfortable amount over Maintenance Fees. I try to rent my 2BR lock-off as a single unit, but price the 1BR suite alone for over the MF if someone wants only that. Then whatever I can get for the Hotel style 1BR is gravy and I'm not in the hole if it fails to rent. What the hotels such as Winston and Sheritan ask for a hotel room down there is HIGH, so don't be afraid to try for a decent price. MD