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Original Message:

Re: How do most of you conduct your rentals (by Mike N.):

alldolledup wrote:
I have used that rental agreement and sent it to the renter. However, they want me to sign it first and then send it; then they will send the first payment. I usually wait until the first payment is sent, then send the contract (which I changed this time because they wanted the contract first, which I did, but with no signature, just my name), and then send the resort's confirmation to them. I send everything thru email. However they won't send any money until they get the contract in their name signed by me. Ijust wonder if that is the usual way most of you do it. I am more like Jenny ( in one of the strands here) but these renters say it is their way or nothing. I have had so many differences of opinion with them already during this process that I am thinking maybe they are not the kind of renters I want. But I don't want to be unfair.
================ I have no problem sending a signed contract, then get payment with the returned contract with their signatures. Only after receiving the signed contract and payment would I contact the resort; let them know the name of the guest using the unit, and send out a confirmation. Remember you still have the leverage because you control the unit.