Note: Please do not post ads in the timeshare forums. If you want to add a timeshare posting, go here.

Original Message:

Re: bad experience (by R P.):

maryd347 wrote:
I'm sorry, but doesn't "For Sale by Owner" mean the owner is responsible for the information regarding the timeshare he wishes to sell? An attorney provided information, which you then twisted in to something not true and further proceeded to imply this company has plenty of complaints. Seems to me that any yo-yo can get on this forum and slander any fellow competitor however they choose. Can you confirm that statistic regarding " 99.9% of upfront fee resale companies" taking money for nothing? I'd like to find an advertising company that actually provides REAL advertising for free. When I pay a fee for advertising my timeshare for sale, I still know that I am selling it and using a resource. Is this site actually a help to consumers using truthful information?

This site is merely a timeshare ad site for owners to sell or rent their timeshare. Owners make up their own ads, Redweek does not. If information is wrong in an ad then it's the owner's fault.

One must always perform 'due diligence' before committing to any sale or rental .... in other words verify that all information in the ad is correct. You can do this by asking the owner to send you some form of proof that everything in the ad is correct and you can phone the resort for verification of that info.

Placing an ad on Redweek is very easy (if I can do it, anybody can do it) and Redweek is probably the most popular of all the timeshare ad sites and gets thousands of hits a day.

Why pay an upfront fee to a resale company to list your timeshare in a database that no one will ever see costing you hundreds of dollars up front when you can place an ad on many internet timeshare ad sites for very little cost.

As ken said, in all the years I've been reading timeshare forums on the internet, there has never been even one verified sale of a timeshare by an upfront fee resale company .... all they want is your upfront fee and then you'll never hear from them again. There are literally hundreds of testimonials of such here on Redweek along.

Now you can take our advice or you can go with an upfront fee resale company .... the decision is yours and only yours.