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Original Message:

names of reputable timeshare companies to rent my weeks (by R P.):

davide81 wrote:
I need help and advice. I have Christmas week at a gold crown resort in Bentley Brook in MA of this year and bike week for the Daytona 500 of next year listed with TIMESHARESONLY and from what they are telling me, there have been no strong offers yet. Is it too early to expect replies or is the company just not providing me with the proper amount of visibility? These are very popular places and dates and still no responses, what can i do? Are there other companies or avenues i can pursue. Thanks for whatever help you all can provide.

I would assume you had to pay an upfront fee to TimesharesOnly to list your rental? Never pay an upfront fee to any company to sell or rent your week .... they're total scams.