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Huh??? (by MaryEllen T.):

ken1193 wrote:
maryellent5 states in part: >> Maybe we aren't on the same page. I have a week at Marriott that I deposited with Interval. That's the week that I want to "rent out" to cover the maintenance fee. << ================================================

Now I'm REALLY baffled by your portrayal....

Once you "deposit" a week you own to an exchange company (...ANY exchange company), you immediately relinquish all custody (and all control) of that particular week directly to that exchange company. In other words, immediately upon deposit the now-deposited week becomes no longer available for your use, nor do you at that point have any option to rent out that (now-deposited) week --- period, amen. Plain and simple. All you can actually do with a deposited week is to request some other week (which was deposited by someone else) in exchange. If / when subsequently obtained, that "exchange" week (which you don't actually own, but have instead acquired for one-time personal use via the "exchange" program) CANNOT be subsequently rented out by you to ANYONE else --- at ANY price. The relatively new RedWeek exchange system is entirely different, but we're not discussing the RedWeek exchange program here --- you've clearly stated previously that you have already "deposited with Interval".

The II and RCI exchange company procedures, written rules and terms of service (found in your membership materials, but not necessarily posted on their public web sites) are pretty straightforward, except for some mysterious "trading power" issues unique to RCI. Those rules, procedures and terms of service have been firmly in place for decades now, essentially unchanged (...although the exchange fees have certainly increased over the years). I'm genuinely puzzled --- are you somehow of the belief that you can deposit a week you own with an exchange company, and yet then still try to rent it out on your own? If that is your belief, please be assured that you are entirely mistaken. Once deposited, that particular now-deposited week is immediately, absolutely and completely GONE from your access or control; there is NOTHING else you can do with that week once it has been deposited with (and completely relinquished to) ANY exchange company.

One of us is truly missing something here; with all due respect, I don't think it's me. Not only are we "not on the same page", we're not even reading the same book!

Are you saying that once I book my week with Marriott, I can go directly to RedWeek to rent or exchange with no "consequences"?