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Original Message:

It's becoming more clear now... (by KC):

maryellent5 asks: >>Are you saying that once I book my week with Marriott, I can go directly to RedWeek to rent or exchange with no "consequences"?<< ============================================

Mike1536 has already responded with correct and helpful information. You clearly stated previously that you had "deposited with Interval". Accordingly, the info which I provided to you took into account the stated fact that you had already "deposited with Interval".

Renting out your own week (*PRIOR TO* depositing with Interval, or any other exchange company) is a completely and entirely different scenario altogether. You can certainly and always rent out your owned week as you see fit, at any price which you can command --- whether it's a Marriott week or any other timeshare week that you own. BUT...(and this is a very important BUT....) once your owned / reserved week is subsequently deposited with ANY exchange company, it's immediately GONE from your access or control (see all previous applicable info already spelled out in great detail). If you had any plans or intentions to rent out your reserved week, then you likely by now realize that you should never have deposited that week with Interval in the first place. That "deposited" week (...for that one particular already-deposited year, anyhow) is now no longer yours to use, rent out, or do anything else at all with except to try to get an "exchange" week from Interval in return ( exchange week which you CANNOT then rent out at ANY price).

It's evident that you deposited your Marriott week with Interval *before* you realized that immediately upon depositing the week with II, you also immediately eliminated ANY option to rent out that reserved week.