Note: Please do not post ads in the timeshare forums. If you want to add a timeshare posting, go here.

Original Message:

REDWEEK States Post timeshares for rent and resale (additional fee) (by Marty F):

mahlonh wrote:
I couldn't find what the additional fees are. Can someone who has place rentals on REDWEEK, please advise the fee structure for placing a rental.



Hi Mahlonj,

Postings can be added to your resort's page at a cost of $19.99 for each 6-month rental posting, and $49.99 for each 12-month resale posting. An active membership is required in order to post and keep all postings active for their full duration. Memberships are available for just $14.99 for 12 months. This information is in the Resources area under FAQ.

Thanks, Marty