Walking away

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Don't do it... (by KC):

susanf142 wrote:
Has anyone ever just walked away from a paid for timeshare? My property is in Mexico and were lied to about income possiblities but obviously now know they are worthless. We will never go back and probably would never go to Mexico again but at this point I am willing to walk away even though it's a lot of money just to make it go away. Lesson learned, wouldn'y buy another timeshare if it got me straight into heaven.

Instead of potentially risking dealing with persistent collection agencies, foreclosure and credit problems, why not just GIVE it away?

I personally have no use for Mexico, but if you advertise your timeshare for a dollar, SOMEONE will likely bite. It can't hurt to at least TRY, since you can advertise for free on several sites and for "short" money on numerous others. Just "sticking your head in the sand" is NOT a good idea and it's NOT a solution --- your ownership won't just simply "go away" by your ignoring it (not without potentially serious consequences, anyhow).