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Original Message:

point rental liquidators (by Byron A.):

Hi. We are looking into this right now. Supposed to sign and pay tonight. It looks legit, but I'm wary. I saw in the contract it is open only to "Weeks" units and those are diminishing! Also, it takes 4 months to activate and 6 months to get your first check? Hmmm. I know they take credit cards, but you can't dispute the charge usually after 90 days...curious. When I asked for references, I was told no due to privacy laws...most companies readily give references! Any other experiences or others who have bought that can advise would be appreciated!

karenw608 wrote:
I have signed a contract to purchase a new timeshare on the point system called sunset harbor resort in willis, texas. Point rental liquidators rep says they will convert my current week owned in SC plus this new purcase in TX to points and that money will pay for the new resort, all maintenance fees and I receive a check for the remaining monies left over. IS THIS A SCAM. I have until tomorrow evening to cancel this agreement. Please help me save myself if this is a scam!