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Original Message:

Re: Interval international non-rental claus (by Ron D.):

alldolledup wrote:
Since you indicate the prior poster is slime and I am the prior poster, I assume you are implying I am renting weeks I get thru RCI or II. Absolutely not true!! I own my weeks. I rty to rent my own weeks and for the good ones I would rahter get just my maintenance fee than put them in RCI or II for you people who bought junk for little money and then want the more expensive weeks to use. Personally Rond I not only think you are Slime yourself but more of an opinionated jerk!! Don'r rent from me. I don't want your business.


WOW! Some people here have really thin skin! First, upon review, I fail to see where you have a post that immediately precedes one of mine. Secondly, there were many prior posts in this thread. I did not indicate any one post I was referring to.

The title on this thread reads "Interval international non-rental claus" (sic)

The context here is critical! I repeatedly state that you can do whatever you want with weeks you OWN (subject to that properties rules) and give examples of friends who do that. Good for you! I do the same on occasion. Rent them, give them as gifts, barter with them, deposit them or even USE them to your satisfaction. I have also donated time to the Make a Wish Foundation. (Time to use, NOT to try to saddle them with an ownership I did not want.)

Again, I will say, my issue is with the people that rent out EXCHANGED weeks from RCI or II for profit or as a commercial enterprise. That is all. Plain and simple. These individuals clearly violate II and RCI rules. If you want to consider yourself part of this group, that is your prerogative. From what you have said, I would not include you in that group and thus the reference to slime would not apply to you. I have also said that owners who rent out of necessity, for various reasons, once or twice I have no issue with either. (Kathy's is a good example) As suggested by someone above, I would encourage owners, who think they may have the need to cancel, to obtain travel insurance to help in those circumstances. I do that, as standard practice, anywhere I think it is likely weather, such as a hurricane or blizzard, may affect my intended travel.

You imply, since the post seems to be directed at me, that I have "bought junk for little money and then want the more expensive weeks to use". That could not be further from the truth, but you would have no idea if it is! You don't know me, the resorts I own at or my usage patterns. Talk about hypocrisy!

You are entitled to your opinion, so is any [one] walking down the street.