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Original Message:

Re: point rental liquidators (by Don P.):

Fortunately I am not a victim of this scam. I am retired from law enforcement and it's still in my blood to bring scum like this to justice. I am a member of the Narional Timeshare Owners Association and have met with the president Ed Hastry who works hard to fight for owners rights. It's the only organization I know that fights for our rights.

I have had the pleasure of working with Jayjay in these forums to weed out scammers and advise owners about how to avoid scams. Unfrotunately most people don't come in here until they are already victims. I find it rewarding to know that we have helped a few people avoid becoming victims.

Besides volunteering with endangered animals this is the other cause I feel strongly about. I was able to rid myself of two timeshares two years ago by following what other people advised me to do and I want to repay their efforts by helping others.

My goal is to eventually see legislation passed to protect timeshare owners. Lobbyists for the timeshare industry are spending millions of dollars to icrease their profits and we need a voice for owners rights.

Let's all work together for reform and to bring these scammers to justice.