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Original Message:

Point Rental Liquidators SCAM- Robert Guy Russell & Brandon "B.J." Cooke (by Boobie R.):

Hi tinak117, I can and will help 1. Did your parents ever receive a deed? 2. The sales teams were hired by a company out of Las Vegas, NV named R&R Venture Group by Guy Russell & Nonna Russell. 3. 99% of the time all phones were answered in the office in Las Vegas at R&R Venture Group. 4. Debbie Berra is not the Manager, she worked at the front desk. 5. The person you spoke with in what you thought was a legal department was a man named Tom. He is just a person that tried to help people get answers. There is no legal department. R&R Venture Group does nothing legal. 6. Your parents bought this because of the promises that PRL (Brandon B.J. Cooke) told them that they would get a check/money covering the amount of the timeshare they were sold. That being said, I can help. There is a person in Texas at the resort that will try very hard to help you, the only thing you need to post here is a 6 digit number on the top of your parents contract and the date of purchase. I will call them and will have the whole story of what and who that anything to do with dealing with your parents. DO NOT POST anything but that contract number on here. and he said you can call him after 9:00am (Texas time) and ask for Arty at 855-664-3201 and he will do his best to help. But you will need all the info from your parents contracts for him to talk to you. Again, PLEASE file with your AG's office in the state your parents live. Tina, you only have 10% of the story, call the number above and they will help you. Arty is a good man and has helped me with a lot of problems like this and I know he will help you.
