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Original Message:

Point Rental Liquidators SCAM- Guy Russell & Brandon "B.J." Cooke (by Boobie R.):

Guy Russell, owner of R&R Venture Group could not ever get credit in history, soooo, his company could not have a merchant account to run credit cards or process checks. He convinced Sunset Harbor to let him run the credit cards thru the merchant account at the resort and then the resort would give him the money. The only thing Sunset Harbor got out of this deal us they sold inventory. I'm not for one or the other, I just want everyone to know that even large companies get caught up in scams they don't know about. Guy Russell, Nonna Russell & BJ Cooke are running the credit cards now processing cards with a merchant account named RR Closings (IVC). He is doing the same thing that he did when he used SHR for running his cards. He can't get a account himself because of his credit. The AG's have all this info, RCI & Texas Real Estate Comm. has cleared SHR of wrong doings. Lets just all sit back and watch everyone involved get whats coming to them. And it will be happening very soon.