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Original Message:

Re: Timeshare Points vs. Weeks (by Joseph F.):

Tell him to put everything he said in writing and watch him back out or try something else. I like my timeshare but they lie. When I got my timeshare I told him I want to go to Italy I told him all the popular places in Italy. All they told me I have to bank my week for this and next year and it will only cost you 199.99 for the exchange fee. When you try and by a timeshare they are not affiliated with RCI so they can say what they want and not get in trouble. Once they suckered you into whatever timeshare company you bought from. You have to be member of RCI to exchange your week for something else. Guest what you are not going to get an exchange for any popular city of Italy. RCI rent them out to make money they rather rent a 3 bedroom in Rome for 1,600.00 then get an exchange fee. If I had knew this I would have never bought a timeshare in Weston Fla . I would buy a popular Europe timeshare and rent it out. I can never rent my unit out you can do an exchange on my unit in fla you don't even need to bank the week. They have this extra vacation special every month for maybe a little over the exchange rate fee. Write everything you want out of a timeshare, location,price for a week, and have them sign it. This is probably the fastest way to get of a timeshare presentation before two hours. They will show you an RCI book with all resorts but most if not all are available during peak time or just rented out on RCI and all of the online vacation sites. The thousand you prepaid would be better to do it online or go to this new BNB site that will get so popular they will start cutting into RCI fraud.