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Original Message:

Re: Ripoff - Marriott Vacation Club Destinations Program - New Point System (by klalaw):

EXAMPLE: If you have 100 rooms in a hotel that were available for Original Marriott owners to use when we all bought our weeks then Marriott changes their CONTRACT to points instead......where did they get the NEW rooms from??? The same 100 rooms that we originally were able to claim are not reduced in the amount of inventory available for us. They didn't ADD or BUILD new rooms but gave us a NEW DEAL that we didn't ask for or pay for. Come on, don't reply to my posts as if i don't understand. I stupidly bought points also and have not been able to use them for the high time period we bought originally and have KEPT my PLATINUM weeks. Forgive my ascerbic reply but it still 'frosts me' that we now have to try to get inventory that is now reduced and put into Points inventory from the original weeks inventory. If Marriott had added rooms for the points system it would have been acceptable but they did not. Marriott to my way of thinking still sells air, how many people now own points and how many rooms are actually available in ratio?