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Original Message:

Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit (by Fran P.):

Thank you all for the insight you have provided here. My husband and I have been frustrated and quite upset with the Manhattan Club pretty much since we purchase a Jr. Biennial Suite in 1997. I am going to write to the judge and the AG attorney today to set out our story. Aside from always having to jump hurdles to get a reservation, MC tried to change our time share from running a full a calendar year, to running from August to August without prior notice, except to say that we would not be able to use our time after August of 1999 to the end of 1999. I wrote a very strong letter and they did reconsider but it is this type of nonsense that has made us angry and our ownership experience not at all what we have experienced with other timeshare holdings that we have. There was also the time we reserved 9 months in advance only to be given a suite the size of a closet, literally. I called the desk and was told there was nothing else available. Really? I threatened to go down to the lobby and make a scene. And I did. But before I could really get going, a manager appeared and suddenly another suite became available. It's just not worth this aggravation. There is another significant issue that I plan to advise the AG and the judge about, but I think it best to keep that private for the time being since I do not know if the MC people are following this forum. I'll let you know if I hear anything from the AG or the judge.