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Trade (by KC):

david1722 wrote:
Looking to trade a week. Can anyone suggest where to go to find a place where this is done? Thanks, David

I would start with the exchange companies which actually exist for this very purpose; RCI, Interval International, Dial an Exchange, Trading Places International are the major players. RCI and II have annual membership fees, the others do not. ALL exchange companies impose a fee for "exchanges" however (after all, they are businesses, not charities). While exchange fees vary among different exchange companies, I would suggest using $200 per trade as a rough "ballpark" figure.

Among the exchange companies listed, Interval International allows you to search for a trade BEFORE "depositing" (giving up) an owned week that you seek to trade. RCI, on the other hand, requires you to deposit your owned week FIRST, before you can seek a "trade". Once you "deposit" a week with RCI, you cannot get it back, so after "depositing" you then have to hope and search for a suitable exchange. There are no guarantees with ANY exchange company that you will actually find a suitable trade. It's a roll of the dice.