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Original Message:

Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit (by Chris V.):


you're so right about a specific note:

eichner/bluegreen, nearly indistinguishable in thought and deed, both fraudulent.

drusillam2 wrote:
The last report from Zimmerman seemed to indicate some sort of agreement on the" list of owners" and he is now preparing suit for some to receive $$ for the fraud. I do recall him saying not paying mtce fees was not a good idea. Maybe Irene's trial next week will open up a can of trouble for Eichner et al. OR that may be wishful thinking. Yes the 3 years for Eichner to be involved w operating the place will be up next summer, but so many have taken the $100 offer" buy back in lieu" that Blue Green will have enough to sell for years and years, and how can they sell any with mtce fees as high as ours are currently. Seems like something has to give! But I wonder if anything fair can ever come from Blue Green, given their reputation is in line with Eichners.