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Original Message:

Re: Vida Vacations & Grand Mayan lies (by Deb H.):

Oh yeah, no more upfront fee for us. We actually found someone who's guiding us and providing invaluable help. They work on contingency so we won't get screwed again. We spent over $1,000 on brokers from Vida's list. And all they can do is bad mouth the service I'm using. They don't dispute what they say, they just don't like how they say it.

If you use the Vida provided list and lose money they're ok with that. But if you try and get unscrewed....oh no, no, no.

They're trying to clean up but, like what's happening to Bill Cosby.....the skeletons eventually will come out.

Thanks for your comment, Deb

donp196 wrote:
Whatever you do don't fall for the phony attorney scam. There's a scammer in the forum claiming a law firm he knows can get you out of your timeshare in Mexico. I went to battle with him exposing his scam but he continues to hawk his scam. NEVER pay anyone money upfront that claims they can get you out of your timeshare. You will just end up losing more money to the scammers.