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Original Message:

Re: unable to give away timeshare-need lawyer? (by KC):

This post is basically two things: 1. Pure, unadulterated b*ll$h!t from a posting shill, and...... 2. Prohibited advertising placed inappropriately into the RedWeek discussion forums (until moderators see it and either delete the lame "referral" or remove the shill post entirely).

The plain and simple truth is that NO lawyer on Planet Earth can do anything whatsoever about the indisputable fact that timeshare ownership is a legally binding contractual obligation into which the owner once CHOSE to voluntarily enter of their own free will.

Outfits like the one inappropriately promoted in the shill post quoted above can actually do nothing more than provide suckers who pay them money with recommended forms or letters to send to the resort, basically requesting that the resort voluntarily accept a "deedback". You don't need to pay ANYONE a penny to do that simple task for you --- do it yourself for free. Most resorts will not entertain deedback requests anyhow --- and rest assured that a resort HOA does NOT care even one little bit if such requests might come from (or reference) an attorney or some powerless and useless "timeshare escape" outfit taking advantage of desperate people who just want "out" of their timeshare ownership. A HOA position on "deedbacks" simply is what it is and not subject to ANY outside influences or empty "threats". Like it or not, the law is clearly and completely on THEIR side.

In many instances, these so-called "escape / relief / rescue / exit" outfits take people's money and then do absolutely NOTHING. When foreclosure later inevitably occurs, they can simply say "See? Now you are out" (although they actually had nothing to do with the fact that foreclosure was inevitable anyhow).

There is an old saying that "A fool and his money are soon parted". Please do NOT become one of those people who continue to prove this saying to be true --- over and over again.

NO attorney, regardless of how skilled or competent s/he may be, has any "magic elixirs" or "secret processes" to enable someone to unilaterally ignore a legally binding contractual obligation into which that person once freely and voluntarily CHOSE to enter. Period.