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ask-redweek-wyndham-ovation-exit-update (by KC):

I am a former owner of a "converted" fixed week in Wyndham Club Wyndam Plus). Fortunately, I had acquired that week in the resale market for next to nothing; used it a few times and then gave it away for free a few years later, long before Wyndham's rollout of "Ovation".

I am no fan of Wyndham, least of all of their deceitful timeshare sales weasels, but still have to applaud Wyndham at the corporate level for their willingness to provide at least SOME Wyndham owners with a viable exit strategy (albeit one of future financial benefit to themselves, acquiring "free inventory" to turn around and resell later at full freight pricing). However, I think it speaks volumes that Wyndham has sold other Wyndham timeshare products to OTHER buyers for tens of thousands of dollars, but now won't take some of those products back now at all --- even for FREE!

To the latter point, I personally think that it's quite disingenuous for Wyndham to "refer" people out to third party brokers and other such sales entities, since the simple and unfortunate fact is that many Wyndham ownerships have literally ZERO resale market value or demand. It seems to me that ZERO is the exact same value whether the "product" is in the hands of a disgruntled owner who wants "out" or in the hands of a commissioned broker --- so why make any such "referrals" at all?

Anyway, sincere thanks to Jeff Weir for his capable reporting. Having read numerous of his articles in recent years, here on RedWeek and in Timesharing Today magazine, it's a pleasure to read material professionally prepared by someone who actually knows what he is talking when addressing timeshare topics AND reports the facts and the truth objectively and in clear and specific detail --- that is unfortunately an all too rare combination in the murky waters surrounding the timeshare industry.