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Original Message:

Re: Re: Get out of Westgate Resorts (by KC):

Words cannot adequately express my unlimited contempt and disdain for “Wastegate”, but if your Westgate week is determined to be “eligible” for acceptance into their “Legacy” (deedback) program, despite the outrageous and larcenous fee it is a clean, legal and permanent “exit” option. Unfortunately however, Wastegate reportedly “cherry picks” what they will take back, so Legacy may not even be an option for you. You will need to formally submit your "Legacy" (deedback) request to Wastegate in order to find out if that avenue is even available to you at all. If determined "eligible", it will then be a difficult personal decision whether or not to pay the exorbitant Wastegate extortion / deedback fee in order to escape their clutches efficiently and permanently. It’s a painful option and it is obviously extremely greedy of Wastegate to charge people thousands of dollars to “take back” something that Wastegate already previously sold at a high price and big profit, but which is now essentially worthless in the resale market. Nonetheless, the Legacy deedback option is “legitimate”, in spite of the larcenous and unconscionable cost imposed to utilize it.

A Westgate week is essentially worthless in the resale market; you likely cannot even give it away for free. Another available (and less financially painful) option besides “Legacy” is to simply not pay Wastegate another penny and just let them foreclose at some point — which they will do after a period of time during which you must clearly and consistently and repeatedly refuse to ever pay them another cent. It is possible (but unlikely as long as there is no unpaid loan balance involved) that there could be negative credit report consequences to choosing this option. Difficult personal choices to make among very limited options. Good luck!