Buying, Renting, and Selling Timeshares

Help! The Timeshare User Group, am I being scammed?

Jul 19, 2007

I just won a timeshare on E-Bay, I was the only bidder and the seller, Tachoa25, aka The Timeshare Group has not responded to my request for an address to send in my cashiers check or money order within the required 5 days. It has now been 2 days and they have re-listed my timeshare. I have not had dealings with these people before and would appreciate any information (phone number) etc. That anyone might have. They do not take Paypal, regular checks, VISA etc. And I'm wondering if this company is legit. I don't even know how to contact E-Bay to get more information.

Can anyone help, Please?

Orville F.
Jul 19, 2007

orvillef2 reports: >> I just won a timeshare on E-Bay, I was the only bidder and the seller, Tachoa25, aka The Timeshare Group has not responded to my request for an address to send in my cashiers check or money order within the required 5 days. It has now been 2 days and they have re-listed my timeshare. I have not had dealings with these people before and would appreciate any information (phone number) etc. That anyone might have. They do not take Paypal, regular checks, VISA etc. And I'm wondering if this company is legit. I don't even know how to contact E-Bay to get more information.

Can anyone help, Please? =======================================

For what it's worth, I know this much:

1. Tachoa brothers Doug and Thomas routinely sell a lot of timeshares on Ebay -- that's what they do. They are a "legitimate" business in that respect. 2. A number of people on various "other" timeshare sites in which I participate report having successfully purchased timeshares from the Tachoa brothers. When problems have arisen, buyers have generally reported achieving successful resolution --- eventually.

While the above two observations of fact may provide you at least a little bit of reassurance, I must also make it very clear that I myself have never personally dealt with either of the brothers at any time.

However....... you also indicate now seeing the same timeshare now relisted on Ebay. If it is, in fact, the very same timeshare relisted, this certainly suggests that you may NOT actually have "won" the previous auction. Was there a reserve price listed on the previous auction? Did your bid meet the reserve amount? If not, despite your being the only and/or highest bidder, they are NOT obligated to complete the sale with you if their reserve price was not actually met at auction's end.

If there WAS a reserve amount listed and you met it and you won the auction, then eBay would have promptly confirmed that fact to you directly in an email message, specifically indicating the auction listing number and details. Did you ever GET any such confirmation message from eBay? I'm guessing maybe not if, as you've stated, you "don't even know how to contact eBay". If you really won the auction and met the listed reserve price, you would already have heard from eBay directly via prompt email confirmation.

Absent knowing all the underlying facts here, it certainly sounds at first glance like you may NOT have actually won the previous auction --- perhaps because of an unmet reserve. If you believe otherwise, I'd suggest that you go to, specifiy the auction listing number and state your case asap.

On the other hand, you might also ask yourself at this time if this was/is really a prudent purchase anyhow, if you were the one and only bidder interested. A whole lot of knowledgeable timeshare people routinely scout eBay for good deals on good timeshares. If I was in your shoes, I might be asking myself why I was the only person on the planet interested in this particular timeshare. eBay timeshare sellers have a lot of "cute" ways to not fully and/or accurately reveal features like points value, maintenance fee status, etc. eBay is definitely a Caveat Emptor (buyer beware) world when it comes to timeshare, at least in my own observation and personal opinion.

In any case, that's what I know, that's what I think and I hope some of it is of help and/or interest to you.

Good luck. I'd be interested to learn of your outcome.



Last edited by ken1193 on Jul 19, 2007 06:24 AM

Jul 19, 2007

After doing a google search, you might try these telephone numbers 866-654-9493 or 407-375-6536. The tochoa brothers sell under many different store names on Ebay.

orvillef2 wrote:
I have not had dealings with these people before and would appreciate any information (phone number) etc. That anyone might have. They do not take Paypal, regular checks, VISA etc. And I'm wondering if this company is legit. I don't even know how to contact E-Bay to get more information.Can anyone help, Please?

R P.
Jul 19, 2007

BTW, the name of the company is The Timeshare Group, not Timeshare Users Group. The latter is a timeshare forum site on the internet, not a seller on Ebay.

R P.
Jul 19, 2007

Thank you for your re-assurance. Apparently, E-Bay mistakingly dropped some of the sellers items, thus not putting my information in his "SOLD" file. He had also received some spam/or bad mail and thought I was it as well, until I sent multiple msgs. Seller resolved this problem immediately, apologized, and is making good on the sale. No Harm No Foul. And I'm pleased to be re-assured of the sellers professionalism in this whole matter.

P.S. As far as me being the only person bidding? If you have ever bought timeshares on E-Bay you'll know that one bidder is a regular occurance, in fact many, many timeshares go without a single bid. That being said, you are absulutely correct about the cute ways some sellers sell and about my timeshare not being one of the "deals" that the many scouts look for. I feel I got a deal for something I'll use or gift to others, I'm Happy!!

Orville F.

Last edited by orvillef2 on Jul 19, 2007 12:44 PM

Jul 19, 2007

orvillef2 reports:

>> I feel I got a deal for something I'll use or gift to others, I'm Happy!!<<

Happy is GOOD and I'm glad this has worked out both favorably and quickly for you. Enjoy!

Jul 23, 2007

On eBay, if you have a problem, go to conflict resolution. The problems are usually quickly and happily solved by eBay.

Always send messages to a seller through eBay or your My eBay message center. That way, a record of all correspondence is kept.

I hope this advice is helpful, and that you never have need to use it.

Carrie S.
Aug 14, 2007

From what I've heard, the "bozo brothers" have some issues with getting things done right.

Henny P.

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