Vallarta Gardens

Has anyone purchased from Vallart Gardens?

Apr 10, 2016

Ok toured the studios and one bedroom Hamptons. They do exist! There is 2 four story units, for a total of 16 units, The one bedrooms can be connected with the studios or kept separate. You can see pictures on their website. Furnishings are very nice. They hope to have them complete by the end of the month and will start taking reservations. Also, the new Reefs will all be 3 stories, just toured the latest reef penthouse with the elevator, just beautiful with great views. Visited the Sunday market at La Cruz today. Staff has been wonderful here. Again totally understand the other frustrations, they have happened to us also, no excuses and not to diminish that aspect at all. But very pleased with what we bought and plan to use.

Glynis M.
Apr 10, 2016

it is profeco not perfecto....

Neal S.
Apr 11, 2016

Alan. You should read randallb68 post on page 10. He has a lot of interesting info on Berkshire. Berkshire was the company VG used on us as well and the info on them I believe was a major factor in our success vs credit card company. Good luck!

Thomas B.
Apr 11, 2016

I would research B and B on the internet. I would be shocked if they exist. None of the other marketers VG has used that I have researched exist.

Thomas B.
Apr 11, 2016

Makes you wonder why a place wants to make such a horrible name for themselves. If they were honest people would be waiting in line to get in and the resort would grow. Guess they haven't hired the "brightest stars on the block " as salesmen. They should be selling used cars

Neal S.
Apr 16, 2016

I agree. We have submitted complete documentation twice to Chase. Both times they haven't bothered to read the documentation and denied us. The last denial stated that we have the right to use Ocean Garden Units rather than a purchase. That would be great if they were ever built or ever going to be built . I proved that they weren't built by the due date of August 2014. They are never going to be built even though they still have the pictures of those buildings on their marketing materials. I truly believe that Chase Visa is in on the scam.

Bob H.

Last edited by bob266 on Apr 16, 2016 10:19 AM

Apr 16, 2016

Don't know about the Ocean Gardens, but the studios and l bedroom Hamptons are built. I am there now staying at the reef villa and toured the insides of the Hamptons, I believe they will be ready by the end of the month for usage. You might want to consider trying to make a reservation for them. They do have pictures of the outsides and insides on their website which match what I saw.

Glynis M.
Apr 16, 2016

Thank you Thomas- Very helpful-

Alan F.
Apr 16, 2016

Glynnis. I am happy that they delivered the product you purchased. Unfortunately we purchased a premium product that doesn't exist. We did not purchase the reef or the 1BR hamptons. We would have saved ourselves thousands if we had.... We purchased a 2BR oceanfront exclusive building that would have a pool on the top level and a lounge below that level for private parties. Much different in both price and product as to what you purchased. It was due to be delivered in August 2014. Do you see that product?

Bob H.
Apr 16, 2016

At least when we purchase at Grand Luxxe they actually built the units that they promised...

Bob H.
Apr 17, 2016

We are there now. It is gorgeous the people who work here are wonderful and they have fulfilledeverything. The problem are the people like Jerry Forney etc who lie worse than Isis and should be in a prison cell. They are ruining a beautiful place reputation wise and no I don't work there and have been scammed by those sob's

Neal S.
Apr 17, 2016

You are welcome Alan. If you google Just Answer Vallarta Gardens Berkshire Financial some interesting info on the Berkshire Financial website and how VG sets these websites up . I believe the site is Just I think I have a post on page 11with more info also. Best of luck to you.

Thomas B.

Last edited by thomasb653 on Apr 18, 2016 05:47 AM

Apr 17, 2016

Sorry Neals we missed you meeting you , would have been interesting to chat while we were there. Agree with all the work done on the gardens and pools and we found everyone to be very helpful and friendly. Enjoy the rest of your time there.

Glynis M.
Apr 17, 2016

Bob266, I can certainly understand your frustrations! Can I ask when you bought? These units you describe (and certainly don't exist) weren't given to us as an option when we bought the 2 bedroom roof penthouse villa in Dec 2012.

Glynis M.
Apr 18, 2016

The original scammers were jerry Forney and Michael Gordon. Well here's your chance everyone. Michael Gordon is selling Porsche in sAn Diego ca. Guess he had to leave Mexico. Ha.

Neal S.
Apr 19, 2016

Michael Gordon was our salesman. I wonder what happened to his pizza company? In answer to Glynis, we purchased in January 2013. I have no idea why it wasn't presented to you. We told them we were not interested in the reefs or a 1BR. View is very important to us so we would never buy anything back off the oceanfront.

Bob H.
Apr 22, 2016

My husband and I were in PV this spring (March 2016)and unfortunately fell prey to the Vallarta Gardens scam. Jerry Forney was the person who scammed us. We also were given paperwork for an annuity from SFI and paperwork for a Marketing rent back agreement from Prescient Venture Group. Has anyone here dealt with Jerry Forney and any of these other companies? Since, then I have found pages of info related to scams at Vallarta Gardens and also on Jerry Forney. We are currently in discussions with our credit card company trying to recoup the money that we put down in good faith. I would appreciate any information anyone can give me re: any class action suits against VG, Jerry Forney and other sales people there and also names of any lawyers anyone is working with. I am also researching all of the boards for info and am compiling a list myself. Please send any examples and information that you think will help put these people away directly to me. email: I don't mind being a point person on this and doing all of the work gathering info because if there is a will there is a way and I am bound and determined to see that justice is done and these people are arrested and put away so they can't defraud anyone else. Thank you, Nancy Pratt

Nancy P.
Apr 23, 2016

Nancy, Tried to reply but address would not go. Sorry Jerry is stilll about doing his slow talking smooth sale.

Apr 24, 2016

Thank you for your email Marian! It was very helpful!

Nancy P.
Apr 27, 2016

We just got suckered into the scam, but only put a $1000 down. We called Alan and spoke to a lady saying we wanted to cancel the deal. We reported it to our credit card company to stop future payments and to dispute the $1000 payment. Thanks to your post we weren't taken for more money. Please feel free to contact me at I would love to help you out and hear exactly what your deal was in comparison to ours. We are still in PV and are going to drive back and confront them. They aren't wanting to cancel! We want to get the cancelation in writing.

Grace R.

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