Jul 25, 2008

I have now filed a complaint with the BBB as well. I sat on the phone for 3 days and harassed the very rude receptionist at Royal Marketing Group and I finally got to talk to a customer service rep. He was very friendly and told me the market had been slow. He said a few people had looked at my listing but no takers. He also said things were picking up and I shoudl hope for a call within 3-4 weeks. I was feeling better but after reading all of the postings, it is clearly never going to happen. So I filed a complaint and I will look into making more complaints to all the organizations listed above. Thanks for all of your help everyone!

Kelly L.
Aug 12, 2008

[we have same this may in Puerto VAllarta resort. But they scamed us for 12k with promisse that Royal Vacation will rent our weeks in 60days and refund us the money. In mean time, there are no way to contact them. they are not responding on our phone calls. We are thinking to start to look for the people like us, who was fulled by the salesperson and try to contact attorny general office of Florida. Hope, we will find more people who is not happy with this company

Miriam L.
Aug 13, 2008

I have contacted the Attorney General in Florida about this telemarketing family of scammers. I was told there are only 14 other people who have filed complaints about this mother and daughter ripoff team. They have another, older organization called Resorts International Marketing, also known as Vacation Weeks. This is a very slick, very practiced method of taking unsuspecting peoples' money and doing absolutely nothing. Royal is run by Regina Almstead and Resorts international is run by Phaedra Almstead.

As of recently, their telemarketing license (which they only got in the past year has expired. I also contacted a class-action lawyer. He was unwilling to take the case because of the fact that these people operate in an office with a few phone lines and can disappear overnight.

I am disgusted with Mr. Chavez of Grupo Mayan for promoting these guttersnipes. As for Royal Sunset group, they are connected by marriage to a person high on the totem pole. I'd like to run them out on a pole!!!

To everyone who has been scammed by these pieces of trash, complain to the attorney general in Florida. Complain to the resorts that promote them. I have included an interesting source of information collected about these thieves- it tells an interwoven story with Mexican timeshares: KEEP THE FORUM GOING! March on Lighthouse Pt., FL (ROYAL) and Pompano Beach, FL (Resorts)!!!!!!!

Lisa C.

Last edited by lisac386 on Aug 13, 2008 06:54 PM

Aug 14, 2008

lisac386 wrote:
I have contacted the Attorney General in Florida about this telemarketing family of scammers. I was told there are only 14 other people who have filed complaints about this mother and daughter ripoff team. They have another, older organization called Resorts International Marketing, also known as Vacation Weeks. This is a very slick, very practiced method of taking unsuspecting peoples' money and doing absolutely nothing. Royal is run by Regina Almstead and Resorts international is run by Phaedra Almstead.

As of recently, their telemarketing license (which they only got in the past year has expired. I also contacted a class-action lawyer. He was unwilling to take the case because of the fact that these people operate in an office with a few phone lines and can disappear overnight.

I am disgusted with Mr. Chavez of Grupo Mayan for promoting these guttersnipes. As for Royal Sunset group, they are connected by marriage to a person high on the totem pole. I'd like to run them out on a pole!!!

To everyone who has been scammed by these pieces of trash, complain to the attorney general in Florida. Complain to the resorts that promote them. I have included an interesting source of information collected about these thieves- it tells an interwoven story with Mexican timeshares: KEEP THE FORUM GOING! March on Lighthouse Pt., FL (ROYAL) and Pompano Beach, FL (Resorts)!!!!!!!

Hello, The letter I just got from the BBB said after 2 attempts with no reply they were closeng the file. I purchased form the Grupo Mayan and have informed them of this scam. They told me that they have to show that they sell at least 40 percent of their listings to be on their unofficial recomendation list. If you have the email address of the attorney general in Fla I will be happy to add my complaint to their list.

Patricia S.
Aug 14, 2008

lisac386 wrote:
I have contacted the Attorney General in Florida about this telemarketing family of scammers. I was told there are only 14 other people who have filed complaints about this mother and daughter ripoff team. They have another, older organization called Resorts International Marketing, also known as Vacation Weeks. This is a very slick, very practiced method of taking unsuspecting peoples' money and doing absolutely nothing. Royal is run by Regina Almstead and Resorts international is run by Phaedra Almstead.

As of recently, their telemarketing license (which they only got in the past year has expired. I also contacted a class-action lawyer. He was unwilling to take the case because of the fact that these people operate in an office with a few phone lines and can disappear overnight.

I am disgusted with Mr. Chavez of Grupo Mayan for promoting these guttersnipes. As for Royal Sunset group, they are connected by marriage to a person high on the totem pole. I'd like to run them out on a pole!!!

To everyone who has been scammed by these pieces of trash, complain to the attorney general in Florida. Complain to the resorts that promote them. I have included an interesting source of information collected about these thieves- it tells an interwoven story with Mexican timeshares: KEEP THE FORUM GOING! March on Lighthouse Pt., FL (ROYAL) and Pompano Beach, FL (Resorts)!!!!!!!

Who is Mr Cavez?

Patricia S.
Aug 14, 2008

jayjay wrote:
Profeco - (Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor) How to File a Complaint from Outside Mexico for goods and services acquired in Mexico that you are not satisfied with.

Attention to Foreign Residents

Profeco is part of the administrative branch of the federal government of Mexico. Seeks to strengthen the citizen's power and enforces the law to achieve equity on consumption relations.

The Department of Conciliation Services to Foreign Residents (Departamento de Conciliacion a Residentes en el Extranjero C.A.R.E.) provides assistance towards solving controversies arisen between foreign or Mexican citizens living abroad that acquire any product or service from a legally established Mexican supplier and are not satisfied with it.

C.A.R.E. assists the parties within free of charge mediation/conciliation procedures, based upon the terms of the contract that consumer supplies.

To start the conciliation/mediation procedure C.A.R.E. must analyze the documentation submitted by the consumer related to the following information: 1. Complaint letter stating the following: • Consumer: name, mailing address, telephone number and e-mail. • Supplier: name and address as stated on the receipt or contract. • Brief description of the complaint, including the date of purchase, cost of the goods or service, and claimed amounts.

2. Completed complaint form

3. Copy of ID (Passport or Driver's License)

4. Copy of contract, invoice payment, bills, credit slips or receipts, as evidence of payment.

5. Copy of additional documents available to support the complaint.

The above information must be e-mailed to: extranjeros@profeco.gob.mx

Or sent by regular mail to: Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor, Dirección General de Quejas y Conciliación, Av. Jose Vasconcélos no. 208, 6º. Piso, Col. Condesa. Del. Cuauhtémoc, C.P. 06140, México, D.F.

It is important to stress that all personal and confidential information colleted by Profeco, C.A.R.E., will be considered as non disclosed and protected by our federal laws.

For further information, do not hesitate to contact us at: (+52) 55 5211-1723 or (+52) 55 5625-6633, or write to: extranjeros@profeco.gob.mx


That's just rediculus. Of sourse everything they did is legal. Just not ethical. You don't think that their team of lawyers has gone over every letter of their contract to make sure people can't get outof it? unfortunatly their here is no law against lying unless you are in a courtroom.

Patricia S.
Aug 14, 2008

patricias379 wrote:
jayjay wrote:
Profeco - (Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor) How to File a Complaint from Outside Mexico for goods and services acquired in Mexico that you are not satisfied with.

Attention to Foreign Residents

Profeco is part of the administrative branch of the federal government of Mexico. Seeks to strengthen the citizen's power and enforces the law to achieve equity on consumption relations.

The Department of Conciliation Services to Foreign Residents (Departamento de Conciliacion a Residentes en el Extranjero C.A.R.E.) provides assistance towards solving controversies arisen between foreign or Mexican citizens living abroad that acquire any product or service from a legally established Mexican supplier and are not satisfied with it.

C.A.R.E. assists the parties within free of charge mediation/conciliation procedures, based upon the terms of the contract that consumer supplies.

To start the conciliation/mediation procedure C.A.R.E. must analyze the documentation submitted by the consumer related to the following information: 1. Complaint letter stating the following: • Consumer: name, mailing address, telephone number and e-mail. • Supplier: name and address as stated on the receipt or contract. • Brief description of the complaint, including the date of purchase, cost of the goods or service, and claimed amounts.

2. Completed complaint form

3. Copy of ID (Passport or Driver's License)

4. Copy of contract, invoice payment, bills, credit slips or receipts, as evidence of payment.

5. Copy of additional documents available to support the complaint.

The above information must be e-mailed to: extranjeros@profeco.gob.mx

Or sent by regular mail to: Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor, Dirección General de Quejas y Conciliación, Av. Jose Vasconcélos no. 208, 6º. Piso, Col. Condesa. Del. Cuauhtémoc, C.P. 06140, México, D.F.

It is important to stress that all personal and confidential information colleted by Profeco, C.A.R.E., will be considered as non disclosed and protected by our federal laws.

For further information, do not hesitate to contact us at: (+52) 55 5211-1723 or (+52) 55 5625-6633, or write to: extranjeros@profeco.gob.mx


That's just rediculus. Of sourse everything they did is legal. Just not ethical. You don't think that their team of lawyers has gone over every letter of their contract to make sure people can't get outof it? unfortunatly their here is no law against lying unless you are in a courtroom.

That would be a great additional method to complain-but both Royal and Resorts are American, based in Florida a few miles from each other. The Mexican timeshares only promote them. They do not own these sources of scam.

Lisa C.
Aug 15, 2008

johnm1460 wrote:
I never dreamed that a Timeshare Rental company listed on the Mayan Resorts list would not fulfill their side of the Contract, but that is what appears to have happened... I have been scammed.

The Royal Marketing Group, of Lighthouse Point, Florida, is on the list that the Mayan Resorts gave me upon purchasing a time share in Puerta Vallarta. They seemed to offer the best rates and were happy to accept my payment but then were hard to reach, kept me on hold for at least 15 minutes every time I called, never returned calls, never had a manager on duty, don't have email, don't have an answering machine, do return calls but don't do it, etc. I've heard every answer in the book, but mostly "the traffic is picking up and your listing should be rented within 2 weeks". I contacted the BBB after the fact (my fault). The BBB gave up contacting them after 2 failed attempts and told me that the Royal Marketing Group has an F rating.

I want the world to know that Royal Marketing Group is a scam, a ripoff, sleazy, non-responsive and a waste of money.

Google, do your stuff.

UPDATE TO MY PREVIOUS POST since posting, I went back to the Royal Marketing Group contract. Not only hadn't I signed it, but, I had put it on my credit card.


If you used a credit card for ANY part of your "marketing" with the ROYAL MARKETING GROUP, call your card issuer (number is on the back of the card0 and ask for a refund for SERVICES NOT RENDERED.

I want them to hurt for the SCAMMING behavior that they do, and let's clean up this industry.

John M.
Aug 17, 2008

patricias379 wrote:
lisac386 wrote:
I have contacted the Attorney General in Florida about this telemarketing family of scammers. I was told there are only 14 other people who have filed complaints about this mother and daughter ripoff team. They have another, older organization called Resorts International Marketing, also known as Vacation Weeks. This is a very slick, very practiced method of taking unsuspecting peoples' money and doing absolutely nothing. Royal is run by Regina Almstead and Resorts international is run by Phaedra Almstead.

As of recently, their telemarketing license (which they only got in the past year has expired. I also contacted a class-action lawyer. He was unwilling to take the case because of the fact that these people operate in an office with a few phone lines and can disappear overnight.

I am disgusted with Mr. Chavez of Grupo Mayan for promoting these guttersnipes. As for Royal Sunset group, they are connected by marriage to a person high on the totem pole. I'd like to run them out on a pole!!!

To everyone who has been scammed by these pieces of trash, complain to the attorney general in Florida. Complain to the resorts that promote them. I have included an interesting source of information collected about these thieves- it tells an interwoven story with Mexican timeshares: KEEP THE FORUM GOING! March on Lighthouse Pt., FL (ROYAL) and Pompano Beach, FL (Resorts)!!!!!!!

Who is Mr Cavez?

Mr. Chavez is the owner/developer of Grupo Mayan.

Lisa C.
Aug 17, 2008

patricias379 wrote:
lisac386 wrote:
I have contacted the Attorney General in Florida about this telemarketing family of scammers. I was told there are only 14 other people who have filed complaints about this mother and daughter ripoff team. They have

another, older organization called Resorts International Marketing, also known as Vacation Weeks. This is a very slick, very practiced method of taking unsuspecting peoples' money and doing absolutely nothing. Royal is run by Regina Almstead and Resorts international is run by Phaedra Almstead.

As of recently, their telemarketing license (which they only got in the past year has expired. I also contacted a class-action lawyer. He was unwilling to take the case because of the fact that these people operate in an office with a few phone lines and can disappear overnight.

I am disgusted with Mr. Chavez of Grupo Mayan for promoting these guttersnipes. As for Royal Sunset group, they are connected by marriage to a person high on the totem pole. I'd like to run them out on a pole!!!

To everyone who has been scammed by these pieces of trash, complain to the attorney general in Florida. Complain to the resorts that promote them. I have included an interesting source of information collected about these thieves- it tells an interwoven story with Mexican timeshares: KEEP THE FORUM GOING! March on Lighthouse Pt., FL (ROYAL) and Pompano Beach, FL (Resorts)!!!!!!!

Hello, The letter I just got from the BBB said after 2 attempts with no reply they were closeng the file. I purchased form the Grupo Mayan and have informed them of this scam. They told me that they have to show that they sell at least 40 percent of their listings to be on their unofficial recomendation list. If you have the email address of the attorney general in Fla I will be happy to add my complaint to their list.

The Florida Attorney General website: http://myfloridalegal.com/ click on the "Consumer Protection" from the list beneath the search field on the left, then open "Frauds and Scams". One can fill out a form online, then you will be mailed a response. I spoke at length with an agent after I mailed back certain documents. As far as the resorts are concerned- it seems that they really don't care about frauds, scams, etc., as long as there is money to be made. What a racket!

Lisa C.
Aug 17, 2008

patricias379 wrote:
lisac386 wrote:
I have contacted the Attorney General in Florida about this telemarketing family of scammers. I was told there are only 14 other people who have filed complaints about this mother and daughter ripoff team. They have another, older organization called Resorts International Marketing, also known as Vacation Weeks. This is a very slick, very practiced method of taking unsuspecting peoples' money and doing absolutely nothing. Royal is run by Regina Almstead and Resorts international is run by Phaedra Almstead.

As of recently, their telemarketing license (which they only got in the past year has expired. I also contacted a class-action lawyer. He was unwilling to take the case because of the fact that these people operate in an office with a few phone lines and can disappear overnight.

I am disgusted with Mr. Chavez of Grupo Mayan for promoting these guttersnipes. As for Royal Sunset group, they are connected by marriage to a person high on the totem pole. I'd like to run them out on a pole!!!

To everyone who has been scammed by these pieces of trash, complain to the attorney general in Florida. Complain to the resorts that promote them. I have included an interesting source of information collected about these thieves- it tells an interwoven story with Mexican timeshares: KEEP THE FORUM GOING! March on Lighthouse Pt., FL (ROYAL) and Pompano Beach, FL (Resorts)!!!!!!!

Hello, The letter I just got from the BBB said after 2 attempts with no reply they were closeng the file. I purchased form the Grupo Mayan and have informed them of this scam. They told me that they have to show that they sell at least 40 percent of their listings to be on their unofficial recomendation list. If you have the email address of the attorney general in Fla I will be happy to add my complaint to their list.

The BBB is a waste of time- they are powerless to recoup money people have invested. Many say they are just a self-sustained bureau that is really a shell, a front.

Lisa C.
Aug 17, 2008

We will write a letter to Attorney General of FLorida, maybe, if they will have more complaines about Royal Marketing and resorts involved with them, some one finnaly will pay attention. They have no shame or compations to the people whom they are scamming big. If anyone interested to do petition, please, contact us. Miriam

Miriam L.
Aug 18, 2008

miriaml4 wrote:
We will write a letter to Attorney General of FLorida, maybe, if they will have more complaines about Royal Marketing and resorts involved with them, some one finnaly will pay attention. They have no shame or compations to the people whom they are scamming big. If anyone interested to do petition, please, contact us. Miriam

As I said earlier, only 14 individuals have filed complaints with the Attorney General in Florida. More need to do the same- I'm sure there are hundreds. The problem is, they do not have communication within Redweek. My thought is to go to the media. I live outside of NYC. I am planning on letting ABC know. They just might be interested. Any other suggestions out there? I really want to put these creeps out of business. But I'm still not letting the developers off the hook. The problem is, that telemarketers close down one scam and open another within hours/days! They usually move to another state.

Lisa C.
Aug 19, 2008

miriaml4 wrote:
As I said earlier, only 14 individuals have filed complaints with the Attorney General in Florida. More need to do the same- I'm sure there are hundreds. The problem is, they do not have communication within Redweek. My thought is to go to the media. I live outside of NYC. I am planning on letting ABC know. They just might be interested. Any other suggestions out there? I really want to put these creeps out of business. But I'm still not letting the developers off the hook. The problem is, that telemarketers close down one scam and open another within hours/days! They usually move to another state.

You can take your message to www.tugbbs.com (Timeshare Users Group) as they have members in the thousands. You will reach a wider audience there. Good luck!

R P.
Aug 19, 2008

jayjay wrote:
miriaml4 wrote:
As I said earlier, only 14 individuals have filed complaints with the Attorney General in Florida. More need to do the same- I'm sure there are hundreds. The problem is, they do not have communication within Redweek. My thought is to go to the media. I live outside of NYC. I am planning on letting ABC know. They just might be interested. Any other suggestions out there? I really want to put these creeps out of business. But I'm still not letting the developers off the hook. The problem is, that telemarketers close down one scam and open another within hours/days! They usually move to another state.

You can take your message to www.tugbbs.com (Timeshare Users Group) as they have members in the thousands. You will reach a wider audience there. Good luck!

Thanks, I'm on it!

Lisa C.
Aug 25, 2008

This company is definitely a scam. We have a timeshare at the Grand Mayan in Puerto Varata. At purchase time the sales rep recommended a number of companies including Royal Marketing. We signed up, paid the fee, and have had no response. If you are able to get through on their phone line (I was put on hold 2 1/2 hours on Friday just to be put over to their answering service at the end of the day), the staff member will only give you the basic response, "we will call you when we receive a confirmation for your timeshare." That hasn't happened since Feb 08. Another owner has been waiting since Dec 07. I called the Grand Mayan Marketing Group in Puerto Vallarta to lodge a formal complaint and requested that the Royal Marketing Group be removed from the list. I was able to get a manager's name at Royal Marketing: Regina Almstead, Royal Vacations Club, 4699 N. Federal Highway, Whitehouse Point, FL 33064.

Carol G.
Aug 25, 2008

miriaml4 wrote:
We will write a letter to Attorney General of FLorida, maybe, if they will have more complaines about Royal Marketing and resorts involved with them, some one finnaly will pay attention. They have no shame or compations to the people whom they are scamming big. If anyone interested to do petition, please, contact us. Miriam

Miriam, I want to be on this petition. please let me know how I can put my name on.

Nikki A.
Aug 25, 2008


I also just became a Mayan Resorts member. I contacted Royal Marketing Group because they were one of the agencies that Grupo Mayan suggested that I contact in regards to renting my property.

Royal Marketing Group was very responsive to me when I was interested in contracting with them to rent my property, which they assured me would be no problem at renting. However, since they have received my payment. I have never heard back from them. When I call the office, I only get hung-up on and leave voicemails that never get returned.

I've called Mayan Resorts and all they suggest is that I write customer service a letter. If anyone has had any fruitful outcomes dealing with this situation please reply.


Michell S.
Aug 25, 2008

lisac386 wrote:
miriaml4 wrote:
We will write a letter to Attorney General of FLorida, maybe, if they will have more complaines about Royal Marketing and resorts involved with them, some one finnaly will pay attention. They have no shame or compations to the people whom they are scamming big. If anyone interested to do petition, please, contact us. Miriam
I will be happy to sign a petition As I said earlier, only 14 individuals have filed complaints with the Attorney General in Florida. More need to do the same- I'm sure there are hundreds. The problem is, they do not have communication within Redweek. My thought is to go to the media. I live outside of NYC. I am planning on letting ABC know. They just might be interested. Any other suggestions out there? I really want to put these creeps out of business. But I'm still not letting the developers off the hook. The problem is, that telemarketers close down one scam and open another within hours/days! They usually move to another state.

Patricia S.
Aug 25, 2008

The people at Grupo Mayan told me that the Royal Mrketing group has been in business for 30 yrs. If that's true they aren't going anywhere soon. For the person who wants to email them their address in infor@vacationweeks.com. Hope it helps because it hasn't helped me. Thanks for the link to Fla Attorney General. I will write. I also am willing to sign a petition. Maybe the attorney general in CT can help.

Patricia S.

Note: Please do not post ads in the timeshare forums. If you want to add a timeshare posting, go here.