General Discussion

Timeshare Sell Scams

Jan 27, 2012

hope you got a good offer!, tell R H financial to take any up front costs off the purchase price, that is the only way you will do business, and find a good escrow holding co. to hold the funds until all is finalized. good luck selling

John C.
Jan 27, 2012

Of course they are not willing to do that!!!!!! He had the nerve to call back again -- said he was offended by my accusations! He actually increased the offer for the timeshare. Next time they call I'm just going to say it already sold!!!!!

Marianne L.
Jan 27, 2012

i wrote about trinity a month ago, same scam, i was just having fun leading them on, i did a people search for the supposed buyers, found there number and called it but nobody answered it did go to a house, i should have left them a message, i wonder if they just pick names randomly.,

Eric J.
Jan 30, 2012

I reported the scam to the police, the COPS told me a detective going to call me back to investigate. This is now a month, no phone call. My Bank will not help me because i told them to wired the money. I wish i know how to track the email IP address, like to find out where these guys live at.

Tom H.
Feb 05, 2012


Robert G.
Feb 06, 2012

Robert, these guys are definately crooks. I would pay a large sum of money to catch these scum of the earth. Again and agian they scam people. No one will help us, not the police, not the bank, not the detective, and the attorney general. We need to take this matter in our own hands! We need to track them down. Find out where the wired money went and who own the account. Need to find someone in law inforcement to help us, only they can pull up records.

Tom H.
Feb 07, 2012

tomh454 wrote:
Robert, these guys are definately crooks. I would pay a large sum of money to catch these scum of the earth. Again and agian they scam people. No one will help us, not the police, not the bank, not the detective, and the attorney general. We need to take this matter in our own hands! We need to track them down. Find out where the wired money went and who own the account. Need to find someone in law inforcement to help us, only they can pull up records.

Have you tried filing a complaint with the attorney general in the state the scammers are located .... in most cases you can do this online.

R P.
Feb 07, 2012

Yes I did. Just waiting to hear back from the attorney gerneral and

Please let me know if there are anything else that i can do. Thanks

Tom H.
Feb 09, 2012

I've been contacted by RH Financial of Wilmington, Delaware (a cold call). They took an offer to an alleged buyer and it was accepted. They have now sent me a Sales Agreement that has a buyer's name and address (PO Box) on it. They want over $2,200 from me when I sign the contract to cover title costs, etc. Has anyone dealt with this company? Does anyone know for sure if this company is a scam?

Arnie G.
Feb 10, 2012

Arnie, This is Trinity Financial Associates, they just use a different name. This is the same exact scam offered to me 6 months ago. They will tell you that they found a buyer, the buyer already approved, and that they deposited the money to lock the agreement. The next thing they tell you is you have to pay the stamp tax. Do not send them any money! I was not thinking straight when i wired them the money because wanting the $30,000 from the sale. Please do not send them money! This is too good to be true!

Tom H.
Feb 10, 2012

I filed a report with the Delaware Attorney General regarding both Trinity Financial and R H Holding. Both companies are out of Wilmington, DE.

With R H Holding, I did a Google Search on the internet and found a complaint about them as I was talking to them. I even read the complaint to them -- and they told me it was just a bogus complaint. Funny thing was, the complaint listed the names of the buyers -- who were the exact same buyers this idiot gave me the names of -- Paul and Debra Smith - DAH! I told him their website was so cheesy, I could have made it. He said he was offended. OH MY!

File a complaint with the Attorney General -- you can do it online!

Marianne L.
Feb 10, 2012

Thanks to both of you for your input. I called the Florida Attorney General's Office. They don't have a file on this company but have had other calls. They agree no money should be paid up front. I'm going to bail.

Arnie G.
Feb 10, 2012

ha, thats funny, paul and debra smith, man they must really want a timeshare, trinity also had them on the contract they sent me, i people searched them to north carolina, called the number but alas, no answer. i have got about 4 calls from different crooks in the past week alone., i love getting them excited that they got me, not.

Eric J.
Feb 13, 2012

I been lately getting calls late at night because i listed my phone in here.

Tom H.
Mar 03, 2012

I also was scammed by RH Finacial. A guy going by the name Michael McNeil contacted me stating he had a buyer for our timeshare. He said the purchasers had agreed on our asking price and had put down $2900.00. I feel so foolish that I didn't catch on to this guy. I sent him a certified check for $1850.00. The check was signed for by someone named David Vu. Since the check was delivered we can't get a response from this McNeil guy just his voicemail.You would think Authorities would be able to help by tracking their cell phones. I'd LOVE to find out where these co@#s^%$&#rs are I'd be there the next day. Don't know if the Attorney General will do any good either but something has to be done about these "Scumbags". All it would take is someone with some authority to step up and get the ball rolling. Desperate for some Action !!!! WATCH OUT FOR THESE SCUM SUCKERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lane R.
Mar 03, 2012

Please file a complaint with your Attorney General and the Attorney General in the state where the scammer works. The more complaints they get the better the chances they will get busted.

Don P.
Mar 03, 2012

laner10 wrote:
I sent him a certified check for $1850.00. WATCH OUT FOR THESE SCUM SUCKERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What did he tell you the $1850 was for?

Lance C.
Mar 21, 2012

RH Financial is a scam, the address listed for Wilmington, DE is only a mail drop. People who were scammed wired the money to someone in Florida. Never send any upfront fees. The address they use 1209 N. Orange Street in Wilmington is a business that rent mail boxes, their job is to forward the mail to the scammers.

Joe O.
May 02, 2012

Trinity Financial Associates appears to be a scam, the Wilmington, Delaware address is only a mail drop, not a physical address, more than likely the person (s) respoonsible is located in another state. A subpoena has been issued to the mail drop company in hopes to obtain names and address of the person (s) responsible. They use mail drop address to avoid prosecution. Once we locate the responsible parties, we will refer the case to the state having jurisdiction over their residence/business address.

The rule of thumb to avoid these types of scams is to never wire/mail money to anyone unless the recipient is well known to you.

Delaware AG's Office

Joe O.
Jan 11, 2013

Buyer beware!!! I paid this company $434.00 and later asked my credit card company not to pay them. I am currently being sued by this company because I signed a paper saying that I understood that they were selling me a self-help package of documents I could use to send to timeshare resale companies who had scammed me, and that I understood their refund policy that if I decided not to use their package, I had to return it within 3 days unopened. Because I trusted their sales pitch, I opened the documents and discovered several errors of omission and, in one case, a completely wrong addressee. They correct the addressee, but did nothing about the other errors. I refused to pay for what I cannot use. They are suing me because I signed the papers saying I understood their refund policy. Their collection agent contacted me again today saying they would drop the lawsuit if I would pay $250. I said I had offered to pay $100. He said that $200 was the final offer and that if I did not call them back today they would proceed with the lawsuit.

jos105 wrote:
Does anyone out there know about a company called The Professional Advocate. They claim to go after companies who take your money to rent or sale your timeshare but never do anything for you . They charge $275 , but they say they make the companies that they are going after pay you back the fee so you are really out no money. i need to kno if anyone else has had any dealing with them are they legit. thanks

Diane R.

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