Club Land'Or Resort

Can't even give them one star

Feb 22, 2016

does anyone know why they are constantly calling me to offer a buyout ? Believe me it is not a deal, just my fees times the number of years I have left. Can someone direct me to any info on what is happening with the place. Thanks

Judith B.
Feb 22, 2016

judithb200 wrote:
does anyone know why they are constantly calling me to offer a buyout ? Believe me it is not a deal, just my fees times the number of years I have left. Can someone direct me to any info on what is happening with the place. Thanks

This is their new pitch. Looks like they're desperate for cash. The figure quotes by people seems to be in the $30,000 range.

George H.
Feb 22, 2016

Anyone have updates on recent Land'Or litigation, class actions by owners, or ending the contract?

George H.
Feb 23, 2016

They have been offering the buy out for many years....nothing new

Terri B.
Feb 23, 2016

I would like to offer to clear up some definitions/semantics that are used in this forum. I see certain words and descriptions used interchangeably here and on other timeshare and review sites and thought it was worth a mention:

VIRGINIA CLASS ACTION LAW SUIT: So many want to start or join a class action suit against Club Land'or. Virginia has a prohibition on class action suits in state court. Class actions suits are permitted in Virginia’s federal courts but I have no knowledge of what kind of case a group would have to have in order to qualify to file in federal court.

LAWYER: If you hire a lawyer on your own be prepared for high fees and a long drawn out process. There are retainers and every time you speak or meet with a lawyer you pay an hourly rate. The courts are overwhelmed with Land'or cases on both sides and some lawyers will take advantage of you.

TIMESHARE: Club Land'or is not a timeshare. With a timeshare you have a deed. You buy a week or more and 'own forever'. In a calendar year you can only use/trade the number of weeks you own. It is your property and you can sell it on your own without paying the resort company for processing/transfer..

RIGHT TO USE CONTRACT: Club Land'or is a 'right to use' lease agreement much like renting an apartment. You lease by contract a finite number of weeks and can use/trade multiple weeks in a calendar year unless the resort has a disclosed contractual limit. Keep in mind that offshore there are limits to the amount of time you can spend in a country without a visa. You have no deed and the unit does not belong to you. If you sell it you have to pay the resort owner a large fee to process and transfer.

Terri B.

Last edited by terrib179 on Feb 23, 2016 08:48 AM

Feb 23, 2016

I wonder as I have read these kinds of posts over the years if any kind of deal with Club Land'or, Land'or International or the owners was made? Are you paying the full amount of all fees as others have? Do you get any kind of a reduction or exclusion in fees at all? For example, if you have 2 or more weeks do you pay fees as 2 weeks or just one week? Are you being compensated or rewarded in any way for making your posts? Have you removed /deleted any of your prior comments on this blog? .Now I understand these are personal questions and you might not want to answer or you might say you are being picked. The motive behind why you are posting is not clear so I am looking for clarity-no the issues presented. For me the marketing of their product was very different than the final product I was given in person. Why am I posting on this I will give an examples : regarding lawyers - not all charge by the hour. Some have a flat fee for a specific service. For those reading this, think back; at the time of signing, were you under the impression you where buying an undeeded timeshare and or this product was marketed to you as a time share? Likely nowhere in your contract is the word "timeshare"? HMMMMMMM, now put on your thinking caps. reread the information on this blog and decide for your self what kind of action or inaction you want to make. Do your homework and you can likely find an answer that will work for you.

terrib179 wrote:
I would like to offer to clear up some definitions/semantics that are used in this forum. I see certain words and descriptions used interchangeably here and on other timeshare and review sites and thought it was worth a mention:

VIRGINIA CLASS ACTION LAW SUIT: So many want to start or join a class action suit against Club Land'or. Virginia has a prohibition on class action suits in state court. Class actions suits are permitted in Virginia’s federal courts but I have no knowledge of what kind of case a group would have to have in order to qualify to file in federal court.

LAWYER: If you hire a lawyer on your own be prepared for high fees and a long drawn out process. There are retainers and every time you speak or meet with a lawyer you pay an hourly rate. The courts are overwhelmed with Land'or cases on both sides and some lawyers will take advantage of you.

TIMESHARE: Club Land'or is not a timeshare. With a timeshare you have a deed. You buy a week or more and 'own forever'. In a calendar year you can only use/trade the number of weeks you own. It is your property and you can sell it on your own without paying the resort company for processing/transfer..

RIGHT TO USE CONTRACT: Club Land'or is a 'right to use' lease agreement much like renting an apartment. You lease by contract a finite number of weeks and can use/trade multiple weeks in a calendar year unless the resort has a disclosed contractual limit. Keep in mind that offshore there are limits to the amount of time you can spend in a country without a visa. You have no deed and the unit does not belong to you. If you sell it you have to pay the resort owner a large fee to process and transfer.

K T.
Feb 24, 2016

Karen…..We used to have a one week contract and then got a two week contract and pay fees for BOTH weeks . We pay every bill we receive. Nowhere in our current contract does it say timeshare. It was clear that we bought a finite number of weeks as ‘right to use’ lease agreement. It was important for us to know that since we wanted to use more than one week at a time when we got our first one week contract and we knew that with a one week timeshare we could not do that. We got caught up and screwed royally with Colonial Crossing so don't go there with me on the difference between timeshare and right to use.

As for lawyers....It is my opinion that one particular lawyer saw a golden goose with all the referrals but did he ever really get settlements for anyone? I contacted one years ago and he wanted a big retainer and guaranteed thank you…. and I have never read about a success story with that lawyer. You acted as your own counsel so that speaks volumes. Compensated for my posts? HOW DARE YOU. Not that its any of your business but I did have some posts removed years ago because they were too inflammatory and could have gotten me in legal trouble. I am nobody’s lackey and quite frankly find your accusation quite insulting. I am not happy with the way things are being run at the resort but what can I really do at this point? Since you decided to get personal right back at cha. You and I parted ways because you decided you were the leader of the pack and ran the 'group' like a platoon. You ordered us around and told us when to jump and how high. No one orders me around and having a strong personality like you - we could not co-exist. You strongly supported particular members when they called the owners foul names and barked incessantly about the resort and in the same breath admitted they still paid and went to the resort often, were close friends with the owners, took vacations with them, spent time in the Pres Suite (which I did not even know existed) and had received lots of freebies and had the nerve to wear Land'or tee shirts to meetings...really? My mouth was agape listening to them being hypocrites but held my tongue and yet I was the one you chose and still choose to discredit.

You got a huge settlement but did you ever see the money? I think you got lucky because it was in the early days of all the court cases and the court that 'tried' your case was in your backyard. Nowadays the court is weary of hearing about Land’or. Has anyone you have mentored in this blog since your court case gotten a settlement like yours and if so did they get their money? Land’or counter-sued you but I lost track because it was tedious and bored me and I got tired of seeing your name. You seem to still be basking in your 15 minutes of fame on the internet and in the Bahamian paper as some kind of warrior princess. I find it quite self serving. You have an adoring audience but if they only ‘knew’.

We have been charter members since 1982 and frankly at our ages and health conditions don’t have the means or patience to fight and we can’t afford to go anywhere else on vacation since we pay so much to them . We have started going to the resort every other year and trade domestically and may be trading more if they don’t do more renovations in the one bedroom units. Also traveling down there is increasingly more physically challenging. We have good friends we still plan vacations at the same time and still enjoy ourselves at the resort no matter what we do and that’s what it’s all about. We go thru the uber aggressive sales ‘chase’ every time we are there and even get grabbed off the street and along with friends have gotten very vocal to be left alone. We are good friends with the staff BUT have never gotten one single freebie or perk. We pay for everything ....period. Two years ago we suffered through many days of no power that was only at the resort in a unit that had a terrible sewage smell that they could do nothing about and believe me they tried. Had been moved once already due to my physical needs and were not about to move again so we plugged up the drain opening and dealt with it. Lost lots of food and insulin with the power outage . After a couple of days of no power everyone was given vouchers for dinners since they had power in the restaurant. It was a miserable experience. We used to have a one week contract and then got two week contract and pay mtce fee for BOTH weeks . Nowhere in our newer contract does it say timeshare. It was clear that we bought a finite number of weeks as right to use. It was important to us to know that since we wanted to use more than one week at a time when we bought one week and we knew that with a one week timeshare we could not do that. We got caught up and screwed with Colonial Crossing so don't go there with me on the difference.

Lawyers....It is my opinion that one particular lawyer saw a golden goose with all the referrals but did he ever really get settlements for anyone? I contacted one years ago and he wanted a big retainer and guaranteed thank you. I have never read about a success story. You acted as your own counsel so that speaks volumes. Compensated for my posts?.....HOW DARE YOU. I am not supporting them how they do business and quite frankly find your accusations quite insulting. Since you decided to get personal so will I. You and I parted ways because you ran the 'group' like you were queen of the hill and it was your way or the highway. You strongly supported some of the members even though ths and had received lots of freebies and special deals and even wore Land'or tee shirts to meetings...really? They were total hypocrites but yet you turned on me.. I know you got a huge settlement but did you ever see the money. We have been there since 1982 and frankly have not been brave enough to fight them too hard. We have never gotten freebies at the resort as some that you are very familiar with have. We pay for everything we do there...period.

I find this blog interesting with all the stories people have to tell.. All I was trying to do was to post facts about certain topics to clarify verbiage but you chose to attack me. Happy Now? Please go back to your velvet pillow and preach to your minions and let me be. I have the right to speak up on this blog just like anyone.

Be well and God Bless

Terri B.

Last edited by terrib179 on Feb 24, 2016 10:43 AM

Feb 24, 2016

T- thanks for your update and no it was not personal, looking for the idea of clarity- I see your attacks and that is ok. There is so, so much information that did not get out to enough people and now it can be obtained as noted in this blog. From my prospective much misinformation in the recent reply. An the other person you talked about here was one of the star witnesses at trial. You did not see this trial but at least 24 other people did. Attack ideas not people, than more happiness is likely to follow. It still is not clarified but back to the issues. Gather the facts for anyone reading this blog. You can become more informed and find an answer. Contact Christine is an option that can lead to more options. And yes, look up in Henrico General District court Trinkle v Club Land'or AKA Land'or International for the Trial of July 9 2012. Information in that record will be available until July 2022. But there are other ways. Want another more recent example- look up Club Land'or v Moore who counter sued. They too can also talk about what happened. Our justice system allows settlements to occur with gags. HMMMMMMMMMM there must be a reason to want people to be silent.

K T.
Feb 25, 2016

You got very personal . What a farce to have them as star witnesses. They speak with forked tongue. Bet they don't get their freebies any longer.

Have a nice day.

Terri B.

Last edited by terrib179 on Feb 25, 2016 08:18 AM

Feb 25, 2016

Brendar 214 wrote "To all, Please do not respond to terrib179 they are distracting us from the real issues here, as well as reposting nonsence to confuse.?

See page 34. Brendar214 has a point but you decide. No response to terrib179?

K T.

Last edited by kt72 on Feb 25, 2016 10:09 PM

Feb 27, 2016

I bought into Club Land'or about 15 years ago and stayed at the resort many times, with and without kids and/or with other couples and often booked two rooms at a time. I did write a positive review about it several years ago, because yes, we enjoyed our visits and the friendly staff, and while they weren't five star accommodations the place wasn't too bad........until conditions started going downhill and fees were skyrocketing. The$2200 special assessment a few years ago was the last straw,and it was obvious the money wasn't being used for maintaining the resort. I chose to hire an attorney to end this farce, since management was getting a bit threatening with me when I refused to pay until they gave an accounting of what it was being used for....refused, of course. Land'or sued me for breach of contract, but in the end, we agreed to drop everything and for the price of one year's fees and that special assessment, I'm freed of the next ten years of payments. Oops, I wasn't supposed to discuss the details, but they lied to me too ( and dropped my credit rating by filing a breach of contract, but I just have to contact the credit bureaus to show it was revoked and I'm good). It's a shame, because it's a beautiful spot with dedicated long term staff and we truly looked forward to going every other year. Best of luck to the rest of you who are trying to end your contracts, or hope for a miraculous renovation so it's a great vacation again.

Dawn J.
Feb 29, 2016

Thank you dawnj97 for a constructive post. I follow this thread in hopes of one day seeing that there's been some miraculous turnaround for this property. It is beyond me why the owners of the property have failed to maintain and make their property a viable vacation spot.

Terri T.
Mar 02, 2016

Can anyone help us with a lawyer name that has dealt with C.L.O. We are having the same issues as everyone else and have to appear in court on March 29.

Monica E.
Mar 02, 2016

Did you hire a Virginia lawyer? Can you refer us as we are in the same boat?

Monica E.
Mar 02, 2016

Go back to first pages of this whole thread and/or contact Christine and see if she can help.

Mary A.
Mar 02, 2016

You can call me and I will give you a name,804-564-4052

Dave F.
Mar 03, 2016

If you'd like to call me I can give you the info on the lawyer I used....203-909-5251

Dawn J.
Mar 04, 2016

Now this page is cooking. Good luck to all. You can do it.

K T.
Mar 12, 2016

Hello there! Thank you, everyone for adding to this forum. My wife and I bought into the 28 Week Time Share many years ago.. It's never been used. Not once. We've sense paid the "loan" off (a long time ago), but could not afford the maintenance fees. Nor do I feel I need to pay them for every little expense they have... It's robbery and I'm simply not going to do it. It's been years since we've heard from Land'Or about any of it.. We just recently got notice in the mail that we're being summoned in Court for $16,197.13 + $120 for "costs", and another $4044.78 in attorney's fees all at a 6% interest.. Aparantly the court is in Yorktown VA..

Can someone please tell me what I can do? Im in GA with a full time job, my wife and I cant both go up as we have young kids in school. Yet we're both on the "summons".

Is there a lawyer we can contact thats dealt with Land'Or before? I want to file counter suit. At least find out the possibilities of one.

All said and done, I'm not paying these crooks one more red cent. They can eat a giant $(%&!

Any help you'd be willing to lend would be awesome. I've read through this forum, but it's a lot of info that I really dont know how to make any sense out of most of it. Please call me 706-220-4640 or email

Thanks again!


Doug S.
Mar 12, 2016

Please contact your bank immediately and make sure your accounts are guarded from CLO taking money from your accounts. A friend of ours just had $8,000. taken by CLO. DO ALL OF THE ABOVE ASAP!!!

Edward H.

Last edited by phyl21 on Mar 12, 2016 05:03 PM

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