Club Land'Or Resort

Can't even give them one star

Sep 06, 2017

would love to talk to you about this. Is that possible?

Yvette H.
Sep 07, 2017

Apparently they are very desperate because I received 3 garnishment summons from them today. They are trying to garnish 3 different bank accts at 3 different banks, of which I have never had any accts at any of the banks. I have recently become unemployed so they can't go after my wages now. Marlene will be so happy to see me in court on Oct 16th and to find out that yet again her time has been wasted and she's still not getting a dime from me. I am going to go to court just to rub it in again.

Nicole F.
Sep 07, 2017

nicolef206 wrote:
Apparently they are very desperate because I received 3 garnishment summons from them today. They are trying to garnish 3 different bank accts at 3 different banks, of which I have never had any accts at any of the banks. I have recently become unemployed so they can't go after my wages now. Marlene will be so happy to see me in court on Oct 16th and to find out that yet again her time has been wasted and she's still not getting a dime from me. I am going to go to court just to rub it in again.


Christine O.
Sep 08, 2017

I have no intention of being intimidated. I was polite and sweet to the judge back in July and plan to be in Oct when I go again. I will be at every court date until the judge is tired of seeing my face and tired of them continuously wasting the courts (and my) time.

Nicole F.
Sep 11, 2017

We would give this timeshare to anyone for just the transfer fees. We have tried and tried to get rid of it to no avail.

Melodie D.
Sep 11, 2017

Well, the banks must have notified Land'Or that I don't have accts at their banks because I got a court summons from the lawyer for Land'Or, Kathleen Kruck, saying I have to appear in court to answer "Interrogatories and Writ of Fieri Facias" on Oct 10th. As I am now unemployed I have applied for legal aid and am awaiting approval. I am guessing they also figured out that I'm not working and they can't garnish my unemployment wages, I bet Marlene wishes she would've made that paymeny arrangement with me now lol (although I'm glad I didn't make it).

Nicole F.
Sep 11, 2017

They will continue to come after you for the full amount that they say you owe. They seized my acct for almost $700 and are still trying to get the rest of the money they say I owe. They are now trying to put a lien on any and all property that I own (which my car is the only thing I own and it's a 2008). They are relentless and will not stop.

Nicole F.
Sep 11, 2017

I can't believe that no one has connections to get this picked up by 60 Minutes, 20/20 or one of the big news shows as they(CLO) should have stopped 40 pages and multiple years ago.

Mary A.
Sep 11, 2017

marya502 wrote:
I can't believe that no one has connections to get this picked up by 60 Minutes, 20/20 or one of the big news shows as they(CLO) should have stopped 40 pages and multiple years ago.

The news media cannot know the story, until someone tells them. So many facts must be known and that would take many people across the nation, to be interviewed. Some of us did not have to sign a gag order, but since 2012, I believe most had to sign one, to be released. Thus, no story. I totally feel the same as you, but without someone to gather information and to find the people who were already affected and those who would become victims, that would be an enormous task. If you know if someone who might be interested in investigating, I am sure everyone on this blog would share their story!

Christine O.
Sep 11, 2017

I just got my notice of release of the lien signed by Marlene Sr. Manager of the recovery Dept. I want to know why I never learned of the original case when a judgement was placed against me. It was because I failed to show that I was found "guilty" and my account garnished. I want them to tell me how they contacted me in July of 2015. I would have fought it had I known

Barbara R.
Sep 12, 2017

Here we go. Just received a phone call from her henchmen Vickey that there is going to be a $5000.00 assessment. Now is the time to act all.

Yvette H.
Sep 12, 2017

I have a friend in Ft Lauderdale.. She is in the media.. I told her the whole story. She said that when the Hurricane is over, she is going to get me in touch with reporter. Mr. Ellis pretty let me know "he's connected' to scare me.. db

Diane B.
Sep 12, 2017

I talked to Virg today.. Corportate office.. They said they had no damage at Club Land'or .. But in truth how would you know..

Diane B.
Sep 12, 2017

we paid also all upfront.. We are in your shoes..

Diane B.
Sep 12, 2017

What was the attorney fees for Stuart? please

Diane B.
Sep 12, 2017

kymj3 wrote:
I have a friend in Ft Lauderdale.. She is in the media.. I told her the whole story. She said that when the Hurricane is over, she is going to get me in touch with reporter. Mr. Ellis pretty let me know "he's connected' to scare me.. db

Sounds like a good place to start!! If it goes somewhere~~Please let this blog know, so those of us who can be interview, could opt to do so.

Christine O.
Sep 12, 2017

I believe It's time for a "Congressional Investigation. You can contact your Senator or Representive and give them details. In addition, CLO Federal taxes are being investigated.

Edward H.
Sep 13, 2017

They did the same when there was a hurricane years ago. I had the weather service report showing no impact on the island as part of my portfolio when I went to court. One of the reasons you can't get political support is because they operate outside the US even though their offices are within. Hence the need for news station support. If a reporter was willing to take it on, they could take it national, no doubt, and bust this story wide open. There are just too many issues to discuss. Those of you that went to court, did you look at how many people were on the docket? Every week there are at least 20 people being sued by CLO in both the VB and Henrico county courts. And, it has been that way for years. That's how they are making their money and staying open.

Mary A.
Sep 13, 2017

I have been out of my contract for years and this still makes my blood boil which is why I still follow this forum.

Mary A.
Sep 13, 2017

When I went to court in July the stack of cases was 1"-2" thick and out of those only 4 people showed up. Marlene tells people they don't have to show up in court but what she doesn't tell them is that by not showing up they automatically lose and Land'Or gets the garnishment. I know because that's what she did to me when they seized my bank account. Virginia Legal Aid has refused to help me because according to the woman I spoke to it would be a conflict of interest and would give someone an unfair advantage. She refused to give me any more info stating that she legally couldn't say anything else.

Nicole F.

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