Grand Regency Resort at Thousand Hills

Resort management has changed from Southwind to the Colonnade

Jan 16, 2018

The investigator I have dealt with in the Missouri attorney generals office is Margie Colon.

Krazy E.
Jan 19, 2018

I encourage all owners of GR and Colonnade to do what the previous message indicated. I found my forms from the AG's website: and chose Consumer Complaint Form printed out at home and now in process of filling it out. I also called Missouri Association Management (573-552-8334) and talked to Della. She was very nice and explained the courts placed this mess left by Interjit Grewal for them (MAM) to help sort out. They are sending out the notices for maintenance fees to the owners, as instructed by the court, if they can find them. Grewal left no list of any kind for them to work with and also zero $ in the accounts of GR and Colonnade. The finance company who holds the note is advancing MAM money to keep utilities on to protect from the weather. I asked about deeding back our unit to someone and she said they MAM are keeping a list of owners who want to do that and are trying to come up with a way for owners to do this without costs to them. I also filed a complaint with BBB as others have done and encourage everyone who reads this to do the same. My contact is

James C.
Jan 23, 2018

I am GR owner and would like to add my e-mail - for any information

Frank H.
Jan 24, 2018

I see their website is now up and running, but it really explains nothing. Except that they can’t accept credit cards at this time for maintenance fee... And that they’ve been responding to phone calls; amazing since I’ve called four times in two weeks and have gotten no reply. And we’re supposed to just blindly send in our maintenance fees to them???

Gloria J.
Jan 24, 2018

I am a owner with GR and have a 3-bedroom lock-out. Would appreciate being kept informed. My email is Thanks.

Jerry W.
Jan 24, 2018

Thank all who have listed emails as I am making a list is case we need a list for important information. I any more want to be included please email me @ Thank you again! Carol Holmes Michigan

Carol H.
Jan 25, 2018

I just went to the Facebook page for Missouri Association Management and left a review. It ticks me off that they can send out bills but not respond to my phone calls.

Gloria J.
Jan 25, 2018

Update: I removed my review because the lady just called me back and we did have a good long chat. I can understand that they inherited a mess and things will take a bit of time to straighten out.

Gloria J.
Jan 25, 2018

The way I got to talk to a person there was I told them if I did not get to talk to someone right then as I had called and left three messages and no call back the next phone call was going to be to the office of Missouri Attorney General and they connected me with the person handling the Grand Regency situation.

James C.
Jan 25, 2018

I talked to her also after waiting a week. She could not tell me the fees would go to the Grand Regency or where they would end up. She also tried to say a lot of owners were paying their fees which seems like a lie because everybody says they are not paying. She said they were collecting fees for association but there is no association. They were trying to get it{Grant Regency} back with II. Seems like she will say what you want to hear so you will sent in the M Fees. The court papers say that they cannot be held liable for the anything including fees collected. I was not impressed. If anybody really understands tis please let me know. Tks Monroe

Monroe C.
Jan 26, 2018

I would absolutely not send a dime to them. As owners, we’ve been fleeced for the last four years or so. Nobody could book at GR last year because it was not even open. As a matter of fact the property had been taken over by low life scum running a meth lab. Inderjit rented out our resort as a fleabag $99/week haven for hookers and meth cooks. We’ve all been “contractually obligated” to pay all this time. I’m not a lawyer but it seems to me that GR broke THEIR end of the agreement by not letting us stay at the resort and instead renting it out weekly and not managing the “tenants”. This new mgmt group can FIRST renovate the property and get it back in II. THEN and only then will I be willing to send them any type of payment. Because I’ve been screwed out of the last four years that I DID pay for and I’m not volunteering $ for nothing to yet another group of mismanagement. GR broke their contracts with US. Can anybody prove otherwise?

Krazy E.
Jan 27, 2018

I have a TS at the Colonnade and I am not sending another dime to these crooks. If a class action is possible count me in.

Glenn D.
Jan 27, 2018

We need your email address please —

Carol H.
Jan 28, 2018

I think we have to find a solution. I also think the new people may be trying to get control of our buildings by having people not pay their fees they get the property back to fix up and resell(maybe}just saying. These people are crooks and we need to know their real plans. There is no ass. for the Grand Regency so maybe we need to find out how to form a new one that will work for us. We are now just sending money to anybody who asks for it. I am ready for some ideas

Monroe C.
Jan 28, 2018

We’re up in the air as far as what to do. Our three bedroom lockout is all paid for. We didn’t plan to pay the maintenance fee until it’s usable; then after actually talking to them last week, thought we’d be ok paying it. Now we’re leaning the other way again. We don’t want to lose it it if we don’t pay, we have a lot of $$$ into it. But we don’t want to throw good money after bad.

Gloria J.
Jan 29, 2018

So ok. My husband looked over the court papers this morning and all that came with our bill. From his understanding, Green Lake is in charge of the places and have Missouri Association Management managing it for them. As he pointed out, we own there; if we couldn’t live in our house, we’d still have bills—taxes and such—to pay on it or it would be taken from us. Paying the maintenance is still part of owning; Grand Regency still has value just from the property it sits on. There’s water, sewer and electricity already there, besides the buildings. We stayed there last spring and can still see the potential, and hopefully Green Lake will be the ones to come through for us. The last few years we’ve been swapping our weeks for points. Our three bedroom is paid off; I understand that people still making payments may not feel the same way. We’re putting our maintenance fee check in the mail today. If we’re wrong, it won’t be the first $1000 we’ve thrown away.

Gloria J.
Jan 29, 2018

Well I think your check is gone. I had mine ready to mail until I could not get any assurance it would be applied to the Grand Regency. I hope I am wrong but the new management does not have any obligation to put the money where??? The last part of the papers say they are not responsible for any of debts. Why would someone take on this mess unless they could get some money out of it. I hope you are correct and the property can be brought back.. But also if you give money to a person to pay your taxes gas and electric then find out later they took the money it would not be nice. Where is the ass. that had a half million dollar budget in 2016 plus $375 from each owner to bring things back up to standards , Gone. A few people stayed in 2017 were given rooms on first floor which were cleaned only for that purpose. Then lied too about the other rooms. Storage rooms were full of junk. Ok that said I would be up for paying if could trust someone with our interests in mind but who do you trust? Tks Monroe

Monroe C.

Last edited by monroec2 on Jan 29, 2018 08:53 PM

Jan 30, 2018

Grand Regency and Colonnade both have their own accounts - definitely separated! We hope to get financials up on the website soon. Missouri Association Management, LLC.

Della M.
Jan 31, 2018

I am also an owner at the Colonnade and want to be included on emails regarding a possible class action lawsuit. My email address is:

Tom B.
Jan 31, 2018

I have left a voice message and sent an email to the Missouri Association Management asking to speak with someone about the Colonnade and have not gotten any response. I'm not paying until I hear directly back from a representative of the Association.

Tom B.

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