Club Land'Or Resort

Can't even give them one star

Apr 26, 2010

I emailed Sandler today and he said he had 14 people email him concerning Land 'Or. Its still very early for the money- but he has 2 that have paid and I will probably be the third. Good luck everyone.

Brook P.
Apr 26, 2010

Myself and others I know quit paying. It took 2-3 years before they took us to court. In the mean time they kept threatening and harrassing, and offering me extra weeks to pay up - Duh? There were 14 people on the docket for Land'Or the day I went. Only 4 showed up - I guess the others got scared and paid up. I had paperwork 3 inches thick - I was ready. But they sent a mediator and the judge put us with them first. So you either found a way to settle with them or your case was continued to another time. The mediator told you how to get in contact with the settlement person. I did, and made them an offer which was accepted.

Mary A.
Apr 26, 2010

Read through these emails. Where are we going with this when Harborside next door has double the cost in dues and fees of what we pay? An further,all timeshare resorts have had and have assessments and the benefits package given by Land'or is greater than other places I own. in talking with my lawyer, he asks where have we been damaged? We get bonus weeks every time there is an assessment that are worth a lot more than the assessment. Members that i know rented the weeks to others or donate them to charitable causes and taken tax deductions. I'd hate to find out we set off a bomb and got hit by a missle. What I'm saying is, we come up with this money and the fist thing the judge asks Mr. Sandler is where have your clients been damaged? And we havent been damaged. Beside the website shows that renovations are ongoing. Read my earlier post. My lawyer also told me about something called tortuous interference with a trade or business where we could find ourselves individually on the receiving end of a Land'or lawsuit. All of us would have our names on record with Sandler. I don't want my name there. Count me out.

Rick W.
Apr 26, 2010

Good try rickw178 but count me in. The glass is still half full for those of us who want out. Some may want someplace else to go but many of us just want out. They have made their $$$ many times over and continue to squeeze us. I would not put words in the judges mouth as the decision will be made on the facts presented. Fact today is we are getting screwed. This is a company that insists on dragging us through the dirt and refuses to work with owners whom they have long since made their money off of. I bet members who have rented the weeks to others or donated them to charitable causes are few and far between. I've tried all that. If you know of a charitable cause will take it I recommend you post it here! Tortuous interference?...dosent have me shaking in my one has told anyone to stop paying anything to Landor. This is just an action that gets us to a desired end state. Thank you though for your thoughts as it has reminded me that I need to get off my postieror and my check in...I refuse to continue to be a cash cow for these guys. Coming up through school I remember learning about Robber Barons......hmmmmmm.

David G.
Apr 27, 2010

David if you want out why dont you ask them to let you out for hardship or whatever? My neighbor did that for a car.

Rick W.
Apr 27, 2010

I found this post and am interested in finding out just how the effort to initiate a class action suit is progressing. I have been contacted by Landor Int about my time share at Club Landor, seems they might be willing to release me from any further dealing with them. Has anyone here had this same contact, is this an indication that the company is beginning to feel a little pressure. They talked about how they are changing the bedding and some other cosmetics and how they had to work on the infrastructure which is where the past assessments have been coming from. How here has been down to the Bahamas location in the past couple of weeks and can be honest about what they have experience (not some registered Landor employee blowing smoke up everyone's _ _ s)? Interested in finding out more about all from this group.

M H.
Apr 27, 2010

to:mh157 How long have you been a member? Did they ask for money to get out. Share more info please.

Ronald P.
Apr 27, 2010

ronaldp101 wrote:
to:mh157 How long have you been a member? Did they ask for money to get out. Share more info please.

We have been members since the mid 90's and enjoyed going to Club L until the last years. The place has become run down, the fees rise each and every year and we feel as if the owners think only of their "clients" owners, renters as the proverbial Cash Cows. The company is supposed to put together a plan for possible release; of course we all know they will ask for money to be involved in any release offer. Until some info comes through and has been discussed we are very interested in the possible Class Action I have seen here. I see some folks here talking about the fees are not that far out line with Harbor Side. Really folks go back to Paradise and look at Habor Side then look at Club L, if you cannot see the difference, maybe you should contact me and we can talk about you buying all my weeks left and the fees to transfer those. When we bought there was no mention of any special fees to have the rooms that now face Atlantis, back then the Merv Griffin towers and the "marina" was just that, we could walk to Pirates Cove and enjoy the drinks over near Paradise Paradise. There was no surcharge for Christmas or New Years; we bought with the intention of traveling during those periods of the year. I understand the same drinks that were reasonable at Club L are no larger but are charged at the same price as Atlantis. We started joking that the name of the island will soon be changed from Paradise Island to Atlantis. I think it time for the Landor group to just sell the Bahamas location to Atlantis and concentrate on their Virginia locations, but of course that is just my opinion.

M H.
Apr 27, 2010 My husband and I have been dealing with this problem for over 16 years. Could there be fraud in the fact that they no doubt have more members than rooms. This is not something I know for certain but I think it is something that should be looked into. Also, they rent the rooms out like a hotel. Where do the profits go? We would also like to hear from anyone that has any ideas of who we can write to. I am copying the addresses that have already been posted. I will send letters and only hope that someone will take notice.

Sandra H.

Last edited by sandrah287 on Apr 27, 2010 06:48 PM

Apr 28, 2010

We have 10yrs left on our lease. We spoke with a representative trying to get out because of hardship. They said they would let us out for $16,000. What a joke. If you think they will go easy on you due to job loss or whatever, think again. They have no mercy.

Yvonne C.
Apr 28, 2010

I noticed their website has a renovation tab. Called a friend just down there who says they're taking guest through those units and having them fill out a questionare to get their opinions. He said they're opening a communication center free for owners.

Rick W.
Apr 28, 2010

deleted by user

Stacy N.

Last edited by stacyn20 on Feb 07, 2011 03:26 PM

Apr 28, 2010

Hello, I came across this thread after being offered an early buyout from Club Landor over the phone. I was also sent an email containing this: " will never see another raise in maintenance fees You will never be charged for another refurbishing fee, renovation fee, budget assessment.....etc." It had poor spelling and generally looked like a phising email, but caller ID did match the number on They also knew things about my account no one else should. I'll call back to double check in the morning. In the meantime, I too will email Mr. Sadler.

Rodger M.
Apr 28, 2010

I did not have to pay court cost in addition. The people I know that went to court - one settled out by paying what he owed. Another went all the way and got out with paying nothing. Another I know settled short like I did. I guess it depends because if you look at the cases that went through the court, a few look like they lost. As for the credit report, it is my understanding that nothing can go on your credit report unless they get a judgement against you. And you are right about why they can have more owners than units. However, there is a percentage above that they are allowed. But who knows how many there are when no one can get a look at the books.

Mary A.
May 12, 2010

The contacted me back in October and offered me the opportunity to by out my contract (my lease was paid off). With 25 years left it was a no brainer since I owed them $1,600 and they told me up front in January there would be a $699 special assessment plus maintenance fees were going up. Good luck to all of you.

Bill E.
May 24, 2010

For those who had their contracts bought out, was there a reason why you were selected? Can existing owners call and request to be bought out?

M J.

Last edited by mj178 on May 24, 2010 12:12 PM

May 24, 2010

I just received an e-mail from Mr. Sadler, the attorney willing to help with Club Land 'Or issues. He said he has $1500 in escrow to pursue the case and needs 2 more people with $500 each by June 2nd if he is to continue. Look, I had nothing to gain when I put you all in contact with him. It was just my effort to help others. Now, those who are complaining(which they have every right to because they're being taken for a ride by Land 'Or) should take the opportunity to step up to the plate. $500 is a lot less than your fees will be for this year and those beyond. If you don't grasp this opportunity then quit complaining about getting the shaft from Land' Or because it's your own fault. It's your choice. $500 now or thousands down the road. This from someone else who got ther shaft for many years.

Mary A.
May 24, 2010

Club Land'or and Colonial Crossing owners are being taken advantage of. Here is a link of CC owners complaining of promises never made...

M J.

Last edited by mj178 on May 26, 2010 08:27 AM

May 26, 2010

I'm in! I just talked to Stuart Sadler, the attorney, and I'm sending him $500 today. His address is P.O. Box 638, Nellysford, VA 22958 Phone 434-361-0512

Will D.

Last edited by willd21 on May 26, 2010 08:01 AM

May 26, 2010

I tried that website and got a message that the web page cannot be found. I'd love to get in touch with those people to join Attorney Sadler's effort.

Will D.

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