General Discussion

point rental liquidators

Aug 02, 2012

Susan, I know what you mean about how these guys go at each other, back and forth, but I can see how JayJay and DonP get frustrated, trying to help people not get ripped off... I guess they lose their cool after soooooo many posts, telling the same info over and over. Unfortunately, I didn't find this forum until AFTER my parents got scammed. If it had been a legitimate deal, I wouldn't have been on the internet searching "PRL scam". Anyway, I haven't heard from BJ or Sunset Harbor Resorts or Bank of America. I will post as soon as I find out anything new. Susan, I would be VERY careful of signing anything, even if they don't ask for money up front. The way they got my parents is they opened two credit card accounts in their names and charged the money on them without their knowledge. So, they didn't put up any "money", but Bank of America says they have to pay it.

Tina K.
Aug 02, 2012

Tina, You bring up a good point; I.e., which is why would satisfied customers have cause to even find this forum. I don't mind the obvious possibility that they have been asked to come on the forum by Mr. Cooke since he "came out" on this forum. But the ones that I tend to give more credibility are the ones that originally had a complaint or question and then come back and say things were resolved (or not.). I would not have found this forum had we not been approached as I have described previously. I do plan on staying subscribed for awhile because there are things about timeshares that I need to educate myself about. And, part of that education is seeing how your folks fare with this. Thank you - I should restate my intent as not to commit to any upfront cost - whether it be in the form of a check or a credit card obligation. My understanding of Mr. Cooke's offer was one year of participating in the program with no requirement to buy anything. Of course I wonder how he could do that but that was the offer as I read it. The thing is, this program "sounds" like it would give us more flexibility than we have now. If, for example, it is true that RCI is only obligated to make available 1/3 of timeshare deposits to actual timeshare owners, then I become curious about the other 2/3 deposits. I am thinking this is where PRL comes in. Thanks again, Tina, for your concern - do let us know if/when your parents are out of this mess.

Susan C.
Aug 03, 2012

susanc924 wrote:
But the ones that I tend to give more credibility are the ones that originally had a complaint or question and then come back and say things were resolved (or not.).

Well, tina has answered your question .... nobody from PRL or their affiliates have contacted tina or her parents.

Thank you - I should restate my intent as not to commit to any upfront cost - whether it be in the form of a check or a credit card obligation. My understanding of Mr. Cooke's offer was one year of participating in the program with no requirement to buy anything. Of course I wonder how he could do that but that was the offer as I read it.

Of course there's an upfront fee involved .... if not, how could they stay in business .... they more than likely tell you that in order to get maximum benefits from your membership you have to buy more points.

R P.
Aug 03, 2012

No, its ligit. I did the same thing and received after depositing 150,000 points my 8.5 cents per point. paid off the purchase and pocketed the difference.

James J.
Aug 03, 2012


When I bought with Sunset Harbor they did not offer me a Bank of America credit card so are you sure your parents bought with PRL? I have used PRL in the past and gotten paid on all my points that I deposited.

James J.
Aug 03, 2012

jamesj406 wrote:

When I bought with Sunset Harbor they did not offer me a Bank of America credit card so are you sure your parents bought with PRL? I have used PRL in the past and gotten paid on all my points that I deposited.

James, I think you are confusing me with Tina.

Susan C.
Aug 03, 2012

jayjay wrote:
susanc924 wrote:
But the ones that I tend to give more credibility are the ones that originally had a complaint or question and then come back and say things were resolved (or not.).

Well, tina has answered your question .... nobody from PRL or their affiliates have contacted tina or her parents.

Thank you - I should restate my intent as not to commit to any upfront cost - whether it be in the form of a check or a credit card obligation. My understanding of Mr. Cooke's offer was one year of participating in the program with no requirement to buy anything. Of course I wonder how he could do that but that was the offer as I read it.

Of course there's an upfront fee involved .... if not, how could they stay in business .... they more than likely tell you that in order to get maximum benefits from your membership you have to buy more points.

Like I mentioned earlier Jayjay. Tina's parents got refunded in full on july 20th which was 4 days after the unjustified and uneducated complaint. I need to be careful not to say any sensitive info but because no names are involved I can go over these dates and situations spot on. And it's not up to PRL to refund Tina's parents WHEN NONE OF THEIR MONEY WAS RAN BY PRL. By the way I'm not acting like a saint in that regard. We charge $498 per enrollment with purchase of deed from several resorts. This particular situation was an interesting story that I'll share if anybody cares but the end of it is they DIDN'T get charged the normal $498...

I have two questions for you just to humor me. 1. Does it makes sense to you that Tina would have 8 posts after the 7/20 refund date talking about her parents not getting money back? There was one as early as today. Can you see the type of person I am dealing with here? 2. Would you say that a resort that gives a refund 1.5 months after rescission, when not obligated to, did the right thing when even the publicly traded large companies (wyndham hilton, ect) generally will not do that? And in the 5% chance they do give a refund do you think they process it within 4 days of receiving a complaint like Sunset Harbor did? 3. I know you think we make up accounts on here or whatever but do you think DonaldC that ripped on PRL 3 months ago then said he got paid last week is a town-foolery account? You think an unhappy client on here helped?

I wish with your timeshare experience and industry knowledge you'd give me one chance to show you what we do at no charge. 1 freeby year. no money. Learn it, play with it and see what you think. What could you lose? Other forum readers please don't even ask for a year. There are contract issues with our affiliates. I'm giving 3 total 1 year freebies for forever and that's it. There are 3 offers for a free year, DonP, JayJay, and Susan. Susan because of the misrepresented response from her sales rep about the ARDA letter. JayJay and DonP because I was unprofessional and rude and want a chance to show them the system. I think after watching this forum for this long I'd rather have you two tell me that you're impressed that someone is doing it right then have $100,000... I went from confused, to mad, to frustrated, to apologetic, to motivated with this situation.

I appreciate what you do for people regardless and I honestly and sincerely apologize for my unprofessionalism before. I didn't deal with it correctly. It took a 72 year old client that has been with me for three years calling me and telling me I was acting childish to realize it. I know I'm still not being quite as polite as I should be to Tina but it is a big pill to swallow having someone that you didn't charge and that the resort refunded immediately put uneducated thoughts and inaccurate portrayals about your livelihood. The amount of inaccuracy in her story from beginning to end is horrifying and anyone that knows basic timeshare sales can see that.

Everybody have a good weekend. Stay out of the heat. It's nasty in Illinois!

Cordially as always, BJ Cooke

B C.
Aug 04, 2012

Looks like the snake oil salesman is still at it. All of a sudden a shill ( jamesj406 ) and BJ show up at the same time. What a coincidence. The snake oil salesman says that Tina's parents received the refund weeks ago. Tina just posted two days ago that they have not received any refund. I'll wait until Tina tells me that they received their refund. Anyone getting involved with this scam after reading these posts and loses their hard earned money deserves what they get. Just google BJ Cooke and PRL and you will get all the information you need. Even the BBB gives him their lowest rating " F ". You have to be really low to earn and " F " with the BBB. Even most scammers have better ratings. Nice rant BJ.

Don P.
Aug 04, 2012

donp196 wrote:
Looks like the snake oil salesman is still at it. All of a sudden a shill ( jamesj406 ) and BJ show up at the same time. What a coincidence. The snake oil salesman says that Tina's parents received the refund weeks ago. Tina just posted two days ago that they have not received any refund. I'll wait until Tina tells me that they received their refund. Anyone getting involved with this scam after reading these posts and loses their hard earned money deserves what they get. Just google BJ Cooke and PRL and you will get all the information you need. Even the BBB gives him their lowest rating " F ". You have to be really low to earn and " F " with the BBB. Even most scammers have better ratings. Nice rant BJ.

It looks like BJ was banned from Redweek's forums so he had to come back with another screen name.

I'm totally confused BJ .... you said that when people join PRL or their affiliated vacation club that no money changed hands ..... then you state that there's a $498 fee to join.

I'm awaiting tina's response to your post above that all the money's were refunded to her parents on July 20th. Her latest post was Aug 2 with no resolution.

I would like to know about the two PRL salesmen that opened a BOA credit card in her parents' name and then charged 9K+ on it (a serious crime). If I had read that after thinking about purchasing from Sunset Harbor (or any other resort affiliated with PRL) then I would run as fast as I could the other way. Actually, you need to find those two PRL salesmen and have them jailed for theft ..... merely covering the situation or letting it go won't accomplish anything .... they'll just go on to their next victims.

These two men were the cause of tina's posts in the first place .... you're placing your anger on tina when you should be angry at those salesmen AND you should do something about it.

R P.

Last edited by jayjay on Aug 04, 2012 08:27 AM

Aug 04, 2012

Okay don. That's your choice. Me posting on the same day several hours apart doesn't make anything a shill. At least try to pick apart anything I've said. Jayjay at least tries that. You do the same thing every time. "scam scam scam beware beware beware deserve it if you get scammed" I got news for you, you look like an uneducated bafoon. Not once during my explanations of anything have you said anything smart. If your goal is to keep people out of the program your doing a bad job. They read your simple man posts and view an even simpler looking mans picture and realize you probable road the short bus. I offered a free year to try, explained Tina's 1.5 month ridiculous refund, and explained who makes money and how. Also, first sign of a hillbilly is reference to BBB. They are a business. Did you see the 20/20 link on them. Looking at the other "f" companies I'll fine with it. Especially when they accredite terrorist groups with an "A" rating. Timeshare rental companies aren't even eligible. They called and went through the speel with me and said I couldn't. I would have paid the money just to help my cause with hillbillies like you. Just 1 post try to say something smart. Maybe have your kids help you. There is a difference between helping people and slander and your on the line. BJ Cooke

B C.
Aug 04, 2012

BJ, Today is 8/4/12. I just called Bank of America to check to balance on the credit card accounts. There has been NO REFUND on either of the accounts. If my parents weren't charged, as you say, then why would I even be on here complaining about not getting a refund?

Before you accuse me of posting inaccuracies, you should check the "facts" that you are posting. I had sincerely hoped that you could help us work out a solution to this problem. I believe it would have gone a long way to reestablish some credibility for you on this forum.

My parents did sign some of the papers that Pat Thompson and Hughes Dewailly presented to them, but they did not sign any authorizations to OPEN TWO NEW BANK OF AMERICA CREDIT CARD ACCOUNTS in their names. While it is unfortunate that my parents signed ANYTHING, it is not a legitimate business practice to lie to customers to get them to sign paperwork.

Previously posted by BJ Cooke - Point Rental Liquidators: I know I'm still not being quite as polite as I should be to Tina but it is a big pill to swallow having someone that you didn't charge and that the resort refunded immediately put uneducated thoughts and inaccurate portrayals about your livelihood. The amount of inaccuracy in her story from beginning to end is horrifying and anyone that knows basic timeshare sales can see that.

Tina K.
Aug 04, 2012

BJ the two posts were on hour apart. I and anyone with a brain will come to the conclusion that they were probably posted by the same person. It probably took you that long to type your rant after the Jamesj406 post was made. I guess you are looking for victims that aren't smart enough to figure out how a " shill " singing your praises coincidently showed up just prior to your rant. Like I stated before anyone dumb enough to fall for your scam deserves to lose their hard earned money after having all this information available to them. If you are acusing me of slander than bring it on. You're a " fart smeller ".... I mean a smart fella. You should be able to figure something out.

Don P.

Last edited by donp196 on Aug 04, 2012 05:28 PM

Aug 04, 2012

I wish with your timeshare experience and industry knowledge you'd give me one chance to show you what we do at no charge. 1 freeby year. no money. Learn it, play with it and see what you think. What could you lose? Other forum readers please don't even ask for a year. There are contract issues with our affiliates. I'm giving 3 total 1 year freebies for forever and that's it. There are 3 offers for a free year, DonP, JayJay, and Susan. Susan because of the misrepresented response from her sales rep about the ARDA letter. JayJay and DonP because I was unprofessional and rude and want a chance to show them the system. I think after watching this forum for this long I'd rather have you two tell me that you're impressed that someone is doing it right then have $100,000... I went from confused, to mad, to frustrated, to apologetic, to motivated with this situation.

I appreciate what you do for people regardless and I honestly and sincerely apologize for my unprofessionalism before. I didn't deal with it correctly. It took a 72 year old client that has been with me for three years calling me and telling me I was acting childish to realize it. I know I'm still not being quite as polite as I should be to Tina but it is a big pill to swallow having someone that you didn't charge and that the resort refunded immediately put uneducated thoughts and inaccurate portrayals about your livelihood. The amount of inaccuracy in her story from beginning to end is horrifying and anyone that knows basic timeshare sales can see that.

Everybody have a good weekend. Stay out of the heat. It's nasty in Illinois!

Cordially as always, BJ Cooke

BJ, I emailed you more than a week ago saying that I was willing to discuss your offer alluded to above in your post. Would you please repost the email address to use so I can resend it? My email addy does end in a .net so some junk filters filter it out but most times I have no problem. Don and Jay Jay: BJ is offering you an opportunity to try this program out for a year for NOTHING. It seems to me who freely admits that I am NOT timeshare savvy that PRL coupled with VSI is a novel and creative approach that would give me more flexibility. And, yes, maybe I am wrong. I am willing to be wrong but only where I am not risking anything but my pride. What would stop you from trying this gratis for a year IF your interest is the truth instead of proving yourself right? Point being, are YOU willing to be wrong and have it cost you nothing but your pride? With all due respect, your vehemence against Cooke approaches a level that makes you less credible to me because it seems that you are unwilling to even entertain the idea that something could be different from the way things have been. I think I do understand that you both have more timeshare knowledge than I do and have probably seen more scams than most people due to your participation on these and other forums. What I do NOT understand is a refusal on your part to participate in the program for FREE for one year. Do you not trust yourselves to catch something in the "small print" that would be disadvantageous to you? You both seem so savvy that I doubt this. The only other reason that I can come up with is the risk to your ego. But if your real objective on this forum is to discriminate among the "chaff and the grain" in the timeshare market, it would seem consistent with that objective to try the program for the free year so you would have first hand knowledge instead of suppositions. Tina, I would also be a little anxious if I were you. Here you have BJ telling you that the refund has been issued but it is not posted to the CC account yet. My take on this is that PRL (BJ's company) did not issue the refund because PRL did not take receipt of any money from your folks. Reading between the lines, it would appear that the PRL fee that Sunset Harbor offered as an "add on" never got as far as to be processed by PRL to the point of even depositing your parent's timeshare. So, that tells me that these things at Sunset Harbor move slowly. My impression was that PRL was "told" by Sunset Harbor that the refund has been issued. Given their evident "slowness", while I would be concerned, I would not yet make the assumption that Mr. Cooke is lying. Some companies have very cumbersome and inefficient processes for this type of thing and it may be that type of situation. You have been advised in a public forum that the refund has been issued so that is what I would expect. It has just been a little over two weeks. If SH had not even completed the original processing in 6 weeks, then perhaps giving them more time is the approach to take before you decide it is not going to happen? BTW, have you talked to anyone with Sunset Harbor to verify this refund issuance? That would be a suggestion. Or how about your attorney making that call? And do keep us all posted on what happens. While I am more optimistic about PRL than (it would seem) many here, I do not have blinders on and am VERY interested how your parent's situation ultimately resolves.

Susan C.
Aug 04, 2012

I just want to clarify a few things.... Pat Thompson & Hughes Dewailly are the 2 "salesmen" that lied to my parents to trick them into purchasing timeshare at Sunset Harbor Resort in Willis, TX. Some of the paperwork is on RCI letterhead, some is on PRL letterhead, and some is on Sunset Harbor letterhead. Since the phone numbers for the 2 salesmen don't work anymore, we can't get in touch with them. I actually don't know who they work for directly, just that they are brokers that sell timeshares for Sunset Harbor. I am not positive about their affiliation with PRL. The main complaint I have is with these 2 liars. Otherwise, my major complaint is with Sunset Harbor because they have not agreed to refund the credit card charges, even though they are aware of the misrepresentation presented to my parents by these 2 guys. BJ Cooke says these 2 guys do not work for PRL, but BJ did offer to help my parents get refunds. I would gladly accept his help and hope he is successful. BJ says that the PRL program is often included in timeshare deals as an "add on" and that may be the case here. PRL may not be the "bad guys" in this case, but I don't know anything about their other deals. Does anyone know more about Pat Thompson and/or Hughes Dewailly? What city/state are they from? What company do they work for?

BJ, did you get those client notes from Sunset Harbor Resort? They say they issued refunds on 7/20/12, but the full credit card balances are still showing as of today, 8/4/12. Also, no "refund documents" were received by my parents, so they surely haven't been signed, notarized, and returned. I sincerely wish that all was true. Usually credit card refunds take 2-3 days, so I'm still thinking none of this actually happened. If you could give me a name at Sunset Harbor, we could call and find out more info. ???

I guess they've never had bad cell phone reception before? Does that necessarily mean I was lying? I have never done business with a company like this before!

My parents love their original week of timeshare at Mardi Gras Manor, who has a 4.8 star rating. The maintenance fees are actually less than the fees for Sunset Harbor Resort, who has a 2.1 star rating. The only reason they were interested in SHR was because of the points program. Unfortunately, they were told so many lies about how the program works, they are completely turned off now. Pat Thompson and Hughes Dewailly are certainly not doing any favors to people interested in promoting the points program.

This was not a simple case of client remorse a month later. It's a case of an elderly couple being lied to and tricked and pressured into signing, which is fraudulent.

Tina K.
Aug 05, 2012

bc140 wrote:
Okay don. That's your choice. Me posting on the same day several hours apart doesn't make anything a shill. At least try to pick apart anything I've said. Jayjay at least tries that. You do the same thing every time. "scam scam scam beware beware beware deserve it if you get scammed" I got news for you, you look like an uneducated bafoon. Not once during my explanations of anything have you said anything smart. If your goal is to keep people out of the program your doing a bad job. They read your simple man posts and view an even simpler looking mans picture and realize you probable road the short bus. I offered a free year to try, explained Tina's 1.5 month ridiculous refund, and explained who makes money and how. Also, first sign of a hillbilly is reference to BBB. They are a business. Did you see the 20/20 link on them. Looking at the other "f" companies I'll fine with it. Especially when they accredite terrorist groups with an "A" rating. Timeshare rental companies aren't even eligible. They called and went through the speel with me and said I couldn't. I would have paid the money just to help my cause with hillbillies like you. Just 1 post try to say something smart. Maybe have your kids help you. There is a difference between helping people and slander and your on the line. BJ Cooke

BJ, you're the one coming across as an uneducated bafoon with your childish name calling.

In one post you apologize for your actions and in a more recent post you start the childish name calling again.

R P.
Aug 05, 2012

susanc924 wrote:
BJ, Don and Jay Jay: BJ is offering you an opportunity to try this program out for a year for NOTHING. It seems to me who freely admits that I am NOT timeshare savvy that PRL coupled with VSI is a novel and creative approach that would give me more flexibility. And, yes, maybe I am wrong. I am willing to be wrong but only where I am not risking anything but my pride. What would stop you from trying this gratis for a year IF your interest is the truth instead of proving yourself right? Point being, are YOU willing to be wrong and have it cost you nothing but your pride? With all due respect, your vehemence against Cooke approaches a level that makes you less credible to me because it seems that you are unwilling to even entertain the idea that something could be different from the way things have been. I think I do understand that you both have more timeshare knowledge than I do and have probably seen more scams than most people due to your participation on these and other forums. What I do NOT understand is a refusal on your part to participate in the program for FREE for one year. Do you not trust yourselves to catch something in the "small print" that would be disadvantageous to you? You both seem so savvy that I doubt this. The only other reason that I can come up with is the risk to your ego. But if your real objective on this forum is to discriminate among the "chaff and the grain" in the timeshare market, it would seem consistent with that objective to try the program for the free year so you would have first hand knowledge instead of suppositions. Tina, I would also be a little anxious if I were you. Here you have BJ telling you that the refund has been issued but it is not posted to the CC account yet. My take on this is that PRL (BJ's company) did not issue the refund because PRL did not take receipt of any money from your folks. Reading between the lines, it would appear that the PRL fee that Sunset Harbor offered as an "add on" never got as far as to be processed by PRL to the point of even depositing your parent's timeshare. So, that tells me that these things at Sunset Harbor move slowly. My impression was that PRL was "told" by Sunset Harbor that the refund has been issued. Given their evident "slowness", while I would be concerned, I would not yet make the assumption that Mr. Cooke is lying. Some companies have very cumbersome and inefficient processes for this type of thing and it may be that type of situation. You have been advised in a public forum that the refund has been issued so that is what I would expect. It has just been a little over two weeks. If SH had not even completed the original processing in 6 weeks, then perhaps giving them more time is the approach to take before you decide it is not going to happen? BTW, have you talked to anyone with Sunset Harbor to verify this refund issuance? That would be a suggestion. Or how about your attorney making that call? And do keep us all posted on what happens. While I am more optimistic about PRL than (it would seem) many here, I do not have blinders on and am VERY interested how your parent's situation ultimately resolves.

It's quite obvious that bc140 and susan924 are one and the same person. Have you ever heard of the word syntax = a person's way of writing. You (bc140 = BJ Cooke) and (susan924) have the exact SAME syntax.

Here susan924 is praising a company that she claims she knows absolutely nothing about yet she rants on and on about how great it is. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this scenario out. BJ, you claim that tina's parents have been refunded $9000K+ as of July 20th (posted by BJ Cooke in this very forum), but you (susan924) say PRL didn't post a refund because they were not at fault. Who are we to believe you or BJ Cooke. How would you be privvy to this information if you were not already affiliated with PRL.

It doesn't take 2 weeks for a refund to be posted on a credit card account,

susan924 and bc140 = BJ Cooke, it would seem that you two (since you are the same person) could at least get your stories straight.

BTW, you could be handing out free $100 bills but I wouldn't dare take one .... it would probably be counterfeit .... much less join such a scam for free (nothing is free, not even timeshares as maintenance fees come every year).

R P.
Aug 05, 2012

R P.
Aug 05, 2012

It is obvious to me that the same person or persons are posting positive stories about PRL and using redweek to promote their scam. The offer of a free year is just like the offer of free show tickets or other promotions used in the timeshare industry to lure people into their environment to control the access of imformation they receive. Once they gain your confidence they set the hook and then the " fees " start to appear out of the woodwork. The best way to combat these people is to expose them before they can use the forums to trap their next victim. We will be here everyday to refute any posts they make. We don't receive any financial gain by helping others avoid being scammed. Just ask yourself what their motivation is and you should have your answer. A fool and his money are soon parted. I believe if a person is smart enough to use the forums for imformation they are smart enough to avoid these scams.

Don P.
Aug 05, 2012

Jay Jay and Don, This is getting pretty laughable,for me. Here I am - a 63-year-old grandmother of 10, retired chemist,with an interest in making natural,soap and a person who has been diagnosed with a terminal case of a rare cancer (metastatic retroperitoneal leiomyosarcoma) and you,are convinced that I am some guy living where? In the timeshare business? Check out my soap website ( or my CaringBridge site ( and check out the "syntax." Hey, why shouldn't I "come out"? After all, we just finished July as "Sarcoma Awareness Month."

To be accurate, I am speculating that PRL did not issue the refund because BJ said he had been "told" that the refund had been issued and he also had said that PRL had not gotten any money from this transaction (not even the customary approximate $500). This had nothing to do with "fault" or "non-fault" of PRL but, rather, with the entity that actually posted the transaction. The transaction was with Sunset Harbor so they would be the ones to issue a refund. My interpretation of BJ's explanations is that his company is in business relationship with brokers of Sunset Harbor as well as VSI and they are all separate business entities. True, they *could* all be doing business from the same basement but, like the assumption that BJ and I are the same person, that is still speculation that is not proven. My understanding from reading BJ's posts are that, as an entity of someone who does regular business with SHR, he intervened on Tina's behalf with SHR and was"told" that the refund had been issued. It is also speculation on my part that SHR may have a cumbersome policy of how they handle refunds. I agree that, as each day passes, if I were Tina and saw no refund reflected on the CC account, I would be getting more,and more uneasy. And it is also true that the wheels of financial transactions often grind slowly where deeds and such are involved. I was just pointing out the possibility that the refund could be "in process.". Should it take that long? No. Are things always as they *should* be? No. Tina, I will be happy to give you copies of all the contact information for SHR, PRL and VSI that I have. I will be happy to give you copies of everything they gave us as I kept it all. Since I am already "out" on this forum, you can email me at with your email address and I will send you the .pdfs. I have an analytical mind. And I am somewhat of an optimist about human nature. I was/am willing to give BJ the benefit of the doubt until/unless he actually breaks faith with me. To that point, I will say that I have yet to hear from him regarding my interest in his "no risk" offer. It may be, Jay Jay and Don, that YOU are right that he is not to be relied upon. BUT, you are definitely not correct that BJ = Susan. Best laugh I've had all day!

Susan C.
Aug 06, 2012

Lance, This is exactly what happened to my parents. Do you have any updates?

Tina K.

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