Buying, Renting, and Selling Timeshares

Anyone have experience with Castle Law Group, PC out of Tennessee

Jan 28, 2019

Gerald C.: Since this is a public forum, and this website is not associated or affiliated with Castle Law Group, we have removed your personal information from this public forum page to prevent contact from spammers or scammers. We recommend you contact Castle Law directly.

RedWeek Support

Last edited by phyl21 on Jan 28, 2019 11:14 AM

Jan 29, 2019

If they have funds available, why haven't they paid us. Also I see a statement below if you paid with credit card you may be able to get them to refund your money. This message and that message are the only 2 I read so far. I had contacted BBB in Tenn and also the attorney general with no reply. Please advise. I

Linda C.
Jan 31, 2019

@Brenda K: Your post would be more understandable if you used periods at the end of your sentences and did not put the entire thing in a single paragraph.

David K.

Last edited by davidk689 on Jan 31, 2019 09:55 AM

Jan 31, 2019

Castle Law Group is out of business. Judson Phillips lost his law license. There is a compensation fund for victims of attorneys in TN.

You can file a claim with the Attorney General’s office at

Good luck!!!

Laura B.

Last edited by laurab773 on Jan 31, 2019 02:56 PM

Jan 31, 2019

Castle Law Group is out of business. Judson Phillips lost his law license. There is a compensation fund for victims of attorneys in TN.

You can file a claim with the Attorney General’s office at

Good luck!!!

lindac1348 wrote:
If they have funds available, why haven't they paid us. Also I see a statement below if you paid with credit card you may be able to get them to refund your money. This message and that message are the only 2 I read so far. I had contacted BBB in Tenn and also the attorney general with no reply. Please advise. I

Laura B.
Apr 06, 2019

I would like to speak to you also. Please allow red week your contact number for me to contact you personally. If you are with the firm, my information is still the same. Thank you Rosa o15

Rosa O.
Jun 15, 2019

In all probability 99% of get out of your timeshare offers are SCAMS. What about the 1% that are not? I took a leap of faith as he suggests above and it paid off. The big issue is how to find the 1%.

Roger F.

Last edited by phyl21 on Jun 16, 2019 08:21 AM

Jun 16, 2019

A fool and his money are soon parted . The SCAMMERS credo .

Don P.
Jan 03, 2020

Yeah, right. I was scammed by castle law group. Stay far away from them. They are liars and thieves. Took my money and then refused to do anything or even consider me a client. Do not do business with them.

Rick H.
Jun 11, 2020

Diamond Resorts has a Transitions program if you purchased from the original developer. See

Please note that you must pay Diamond for the deed back. Diamond uses "Mystic Dunes LLC" for the transfer entity. The TSDEED transfers are recorded by the Osceola County Clerk of Court. See and search public records for "Mystic Dunes LLC".

Carl R.
Jun 11, 2020

Castle Law Group our of Tennessee filed bankruptcy a couple of years ago. Are you sure this is the company? We used them and never got anything from them and $3000 Down the drain for nothing.

Tomi R.
Jun 11, 2020

There is no money to get back. They took it and ran. I know this for a fact.

Tomi R.
Jun 11, 2020

Don P. Wyndham let you “deed back” two timeshares? If we don’t hire an attorney locally, I think I am going to try that. Did you owe any money? All I know is I’ve given Wyndham way over $200k of my hard earned money and I am done with them. Who do you talk to about that? I’m just scared to call them for some reason. It’s been a long nightmare with them.

Tomi R.
Jun 26, 2020

Wyndham has been helpful. I just received a call from a 100% Agent Orange disabled veteran. Wyndham listened and responded with compassion. You can find support at this Unhappy Wyndham Facebook.

Judson Phillips of Castle Law Group has been mercifully disbarred.

If you have no loan, contact Ovations.

Irene P.
Jun 27, 2020

No but NEVER give a company money to sell your timeshare. I gave away two timeshares about 4 or 5 years ago. I used Red Week and TUG. My timeshares were silver season Marriotts. Today I see the same timeshare for sale, but at the time no one was interested. If you give them away then you will save your 3 thousand dollars unless they are worth the money. If you no longer want them, then give them away. I did, but then I bought platinum weeks in Marriott. Good luck in getting rid of your timeshares. But don't give a company money they are not legit, if they ask for money.

Virginia C.
Jun 27, 2020

virginiac102 wrote:
No but NEVER give a company money to sell your timeshare....But don't give a company money they are not legit, if they ask for money.

Never give a company your money upfront. If the company is good, it will take its fee out of the proceeds of the sale. If you are just trying to give your unit away, then you don't need any company except for a title transfer firm to do the paperwork after you have found a taker. That fee likely should not exceed $300.

Lance C.
Feb 03, 2024

I had a negative experience with Castle Law Group that was located in Tennessee. I was informed I had to pay $3500.00 to get me out of the Wyndham Vacation ownership contract I contracted in Oceanside, California.That was back in 2015. I never got positive results. I got one voicemail from some elderly gentlemen identifying himself as a paralegal of sort, not an actual attorney but representing Castle Law Group, to get out of my Wyndham vacation ownership; negative credit to be restored. But after 8 yrs. my credit score was naturally cleared of the negative status of nonpayment of HOA fees on just letting the years pass. I want my $3500.00 fee refunded by the Castle Law group that was located in Tennessee.


Last edited by brendalk on Feb 03, 2024 02:28 AM

Feb 03, 2024

Sorry, but the scamming Castle Law Group is long gone — and so is your $3,500.

There is a January 31, 2019 post in this thread by a Laura B, in which she provides the email address for the Attorney General’s office in Tennessee. You could contact the TN AG as a victim of the Castle scam, but that ship sailed nearly 5 years ago now. You are likely much too late to benefit from any restitution or victim compensation, but it won’t cost you anything to make an inquiry to find out for yourself. Good luck!


Last edited by ken1193 on Feb 03, 2024 11:30 AM

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