The Manhattan Club

Manhattan Club Lawsuit

Dec 19, 2017

I am not attempting to sway anyone's opinion. I am sharing what I the question someone had, was if one could just pay the taxes and not the maintenance fees. You are free to believe what you want.

kevin631 wrote:
As has been pointed out in the past, according to the NYC government the Manhattan Club has been delinquent with property taxes to the City of New York.Because of this information I find it very hard to believe that now these payments of "taxes only" would be applied correctly.

deborahs528 wrote:
Because I was curious, I wrote Financial Services at TMC, regarding the issue/ question as to whether we can pay our real estate taxes when one is not paying maintenance fees. Here is the answer: Good Afternoon,

I have attached a copy of the budget letter for 2018 fees. This does provide the information as to how the delinquent owners impacts the fees.

If an owner chooses to send a payment for real estate taxes only, they can do so. This will not clear the overall balance on their account, this will not eliminate late charges or finance charges and this will not give them the ability to book reservations on that contract usage year. However, a payment with the request to be applied to property taxes will be applied per the owners request.

Danielle Webb Manhattan Club-Financial Services The Manhattan Club 112 North Courtland St East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 T: 212-453-8334 F: 212.453.8320 E:

I was not able to attach the budget letter.

Dec 20, 2017

It might be the case that those not paying their maintenance fees are the cause of TMC not paying its property taxes. If your income were severely cut, you just might have to pick and chose what bills to pay. We don't all have individual property tax accounts. TMC bills us our individual portions of the overall property tax bill. When the property taxes are finally paid, you can be sure there will be penalties and interest applied. We will ALL be paying those penalties and interest fees. Those of you who are withholding your maintenance will not only be paying your share of New York City's penalties and interest, but also the penalties and/or interest charged by TMC. An additional problem very well might be credit problems if you continue to refuse to pay. Are any of you who are refusing to pay, doing so with the advice of an attorney? If not you may be getting in over your heads.

thomasm832 wrote:
Well according to posts in here TMC hasn't paid property taxes for years, so even if you send TMC money for taxes it probably won't be used for that anyway.

deborahs528 wrote:
sunildajs wrote:
Flavia, Is there a way to get in touch with the county to pay the property taxes directly? Just a thought.

It is my understanding you can pay only the taxes. Your bill should include a break out of the fees and taxes...if it doesn't, ask. Mine does. Then, I believe you can send a check to The Manhattan Club for just the tax amount, if you trust them. If you do this you will have documentation that you did it. To be certain I would contact Financial Services and ask...Lynne O'Donnell or Danielle should be able to give you an answer.

William M.
Dec 20, 2017

There is apparently at least one TMC shill on this feed. Trying to sway owners "from the inside".

Charles M.
Dec 20, 2017

Shill for sure

Debra L.

Last edited by debral251 on Dec 20, 2017 08:08 AM

Dec 20, 2017

I agree!

Debra L.
Dec 20, 2017

Well, perhaps if Eichner had not been skimming 6.5 MILLION a year to his phony shell company...AND pocketing the rental money instead of putting it to the HOA as it should have been, there would have been plenty of money to pay the taxes.

Debra L.
Dec 20, 2017

Boy, isn’t that the truth! It’s ridiculous to place blame on owners who have not paid their fees for the taxes not being paid. This blogger has continued to blame owners, or deadbeats as he refers to them, for all the woes of the TMC when it’s clear and proven that TMC has been screwing all of us owners for years!

Becky F
Dec 20, 2017

I find it curious and suspicious that the TMC (T Park Central) correspondence is sent from an "office" in Phoenix,Arizona (PO box) also listing a"correspondence only" address in Scottsdale,Arizona. Then the "Financial Services" Dept is in Easton,Pennsylvania but has a (212) NYC area code. Why not have it all administered from TMC in NYC? Probably to evade NYS & NYC regulations? I wonder if the NYS AG looked into this during their investigation? This seems like part of an elaborate scheme.

Gerard S.
Dec 21, 2017

Suppose the blogger is Eichner...or his stooge...

Bruce G.
Dec 21, 2017

We suspect so.

Charles M.
Dec 21, 2017

Either an Eichner stooge, or a shill from the new owners trying to up their new asset.

Charles M.
Dec 21, 2017

No--Just common sense. It's not right to personally attack those with whom we disagree. You guys are acting like our president.

William M.
Dec 21, 2017

I thought that this site was to HELP with our issues concerning the ManhattanClub NOT attacking each other!Sad-Let us work together!NH

Nancy A.
Dec 21, 2017

happy holidays, bruce................... "Suppose the blogger is Eichner...or his stooge...(S)"...........ho, ho, ho..............would you put it past the whole TMC BAND OF THIEVES??????? i believe the nysag, mr schneiderman, took his victory and ran. he had sooooooo much evidence to put eichner away, perhaps to share a cell with madoff, but he did his job (for ny state) and came away as a hero (for ny state) but left us owners to fend totally for ourselves.



bruceg213 wrote:
Suppose the blogger is Eichner...or his stooge...

Chris V.
Dec 22, 2017

"If your income were severely cut, you just might have to pick and chose what bills to pay." Who are you kidding?

Are you seriously concerned about Eichner's financial situation? ... vs we timeshare owners? Do 10 minutes of research on the man, his reputation, and his finances, and stop encouraging timeshare owners to pay more of our hard-earned money into his empire.

Charles M.
Dec 22, 2017

I suspect there are several shills. Some ones were demanding to close that site, some others were insistently trying to "join the class action". Shills appear/disappear or change their user names.

charlesm548 wrote:
There is apparently at least one TMC shill on this feed. Trying to sway owners "from the inside".

Fibo N.
Dec 22, 2017

Not paying taxes is another financial crime by MC . Sorry AG did not get to that point. We do not pay maintenance but pay taxes each year, copy of checks is our proof.

Fibo N.
Dec 22, 2017

Do you pay them directly to the county tax assessor or to the MC? It would be great if you could pay them directly to the tx office.

Sunilda J. S.
Dec 23, 2017

We don't get individual tax bills from NYC. TMC gets a tax bill and bills us for our share.

sunildajs wrote:
Do you pay them directly to the county tax assessor or to the MC? It would be great if you could pay them directly to the tx office.

William M.
Dec 24, 2017

I get it that your taxes were paid to the MC and not paid by them to the tax assessor. My point is, if one calls the tax assessor's office, would they really...turn down your money, from here on out? I would imagine, no. I would try a call to them and explain the situation and that you would like to pay your taxes directly. The worst they can say is no, but I doubt it.

Sunilda J. S.

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