The Manhattan Club

Manhattan Club Lawsuit

Mar 30, 2019

I have been a timeshare owner for many years and have continued to pay my annual maintenance fee. Not happily. I live in Fla. but will be at the Manhattan Club May 10th. to 17th. If any other owners will be available during that week I would like to meet with them. At this time I am not part of any class action suit. Carol

Carol N.

Last edited by caroln216 on Mar 30, 2019 05:28 PM

Mar 30, 2019

if we could get enough TMC OWNERS to meet at TMC within a specific consecutive range of dates from june through november (one specific date within those months) we could have a productive owners' meeting. this idea would require much coordination and cooperation on the part of all of us. i would be willing to begin the coordination process but only with the input of at least 50+ other owners who embrace this idea. we need some creative thinking on how to halt possible TMC spies who would pose as owners from joining our meeting. this requirement is a must before we proceed with this owner meeting plan, so please present you ideas to eliminate this possibility. perhaps we could also invite our attorneys, jean-marc zimmerman and his associate attorney, steve to our meeting.

if interested, state your affirmation here with your creative input and a range of consecutive dates for all to work with.......................all selecting ONE SPECIFIC DATE. i realize this could be complicated and not totally satisfactory to all interested owners, but we must work within necessary constraints.

your comments/ideas, please



Chris V.

Last edited by chrisv126 on Mar 30, 2019 08:00 PM

Mar 31, 2019

good morning TMC OWNERS,

another idea to consider for direct-but-private communication among owners is to establish our own independent and secure website with an entry password known only to us. i personally do not have the know-how about doing this, but i'm sure there are some of us, who are internet savvy, to offer his/her expertise to do this. it's an idea worth considering. perhaps our attorneys jean-marc and steve would offer their input into this mini-venture.

think about it.

Chris V.

Last edited by chrisv126 on Mar 31, 2019 05:28 AM

Mar 31, 2019

hello carol n216

will try meeting you at TMC. more about that as time draws closer.

pls consider joining jean-marc zimmerman's TMC lawsuit. i've been in contact with him; he appears to be genuinely interested in working toward owners' tangible relief due to TMC/EICHNER/POSSIBLY BLUEGREEN'S criminally fraudulent actions against us owners. no guarantees, but this lawsuit might help to reduce our maintenance fees.

contact information follows:


E-MAIL JMZ@ZIMLLP.COM ​ PHONE (908) 768-6408 ​ FAX (908) 935-0751 MAIL 233 WATCHUNG FORK WESTFIELD, NJ 07090

caroln216 wrote:
I have been a timeshare owner for many years and have continued to pay my annual maintenance fee. Not happily. I live in Fla. but will be at the Manhattan Club May 10th. to 17th. If any other owners will be available during that week I would like to meet with them. At this time I am not part of any class action suit. Carol

Chris V.

Last edited by chrisv126 on Mar 31, 2019 09:57 AM

Mar 31, 2019

I would like to be apart of this meeting . I have great flexibility and will make time to attend any meeting to meet Zimmerman Law Group. I just mailed my check in and looking forward to some sort of retribution from MC Gary J Paccagnini

Gary P.
Mar 31, 2019

Chris - snowbirds ??- That leads me to believe you are now possibly in the "Snow Bird Capital" - that being Florida??!! I have a home in Longboat Key, Florida but it's too busy there during snow bird season so I don't head in that direction until mid April. Rest of the year I'm mostly at Isle of Palms, out from Charleston, SC

Gail J.
Mar 31, 2019

hey gail, right on the nose........... "snowbird capital"......only on the east coast.............hillsboro beach. love it very private and quiet as opposed the more lively deerfield beach, a mile away. love longboat key. had a condo on anna maria island a good while back.............quiet ok, but way too laid back for me. drove to LK for the stores and browsing.....a beautiful town. i think south florida during the snowbird season is crowded all over'

hope we can get together at TMC LOUNGE. also, check out my idea of establishing a secure website for TMC owners' communication.

tulipblossom wrote:
Chris - snowbirds ??- That leads me to believe you are now possibly in the "Snow Bird Capital" - that being Florida??!! I have a home in Longboat Key, Florida but it's too busy there during snow bird season so I don't head in that direction until mid April. Rest of the year I'm mostly at Isle of Palms, out from Charleston, SC

Chris V.
Mar 31, 2019

Hi all, re: getting together, that's a good idea. We are also snowbirds, living in Sun City Hilton Head SC Nov thru April., then return to Mendham, NJ early May. We use TMC a few nites in May, June, Sept & Oct. We are close enough to NYC to come in for a meeting even if not staying at TMC. We made The mistake of joining RCI and now must reserve TMC 11 mo. In advance. Instead of the 9 mo for regular TMC. We are paid up, thinking about JMZ suit but the fact that Eichner knows all in NYC scares me. We will be at TMC May21 to 23, May 30, June 6 and Oct 8 to 10. Dee McNair.

Dru M.
Mar 31, 2019

While many of you are discussing how nice it would be to gather and continue discussing theTMC , perhaps eating cookies and coffee on the 26th floor, a small group of us have hired OUR OWN ATTOURNEY TO REPRESENT US AND HOPEFULLY MAKE US WHOLE. Frankly all Zimmerman needs is seed money from those who join and should 14000 not choose to join, the recovery potential for our group will be great and those that dont will be at the end of a very long line. So I have no plans or interest in meeting those that refuse to help themselves and act now by showing faith and resolve by giving a $1250 retainer.

The AG investigation split open the guts of this rotten deal and left a clear road map for Zimmerman to follow in clawing back a large recovery for his clients, with the first court action slated for this week to open up ownership rolls to assist in developing communication and assisting toward new elections to put our people in control of our property. Zimmerman will be following up with a slew of other court proceedings on behalf of MEMBERS and you are choosing to be on the outside looking in.

This may seem harsh but shortly the 15,000 owners interests will be split and those who have chosen not to participate will be on their own without representation and little chance of recovery.

I repeat.... currently our asset is worth about $100 as last valued and maintanance fees are about twice the cost of booking as a hotel. Should anyone have an explanation of why an owner will continue this arrangement and or not join the suit today, I would love to know the reasoning.

To Drusilla, the coalition and all others who have already been totally ripped off by TMC and continue to express hesitation and FEAR I call upon you to face the facts the EICHNER has won and you have lost unless YOU stand tall. Have a nice day sid

Sidney F.
Mar 31, 2019

Hey chris.... please dont mix up people ... those who have paid the retainer have a lawyer... those that choose not to enroll are not represented . He is not all owners lawyer he is my lawyer and only those who pay will get his services and represent our claims for recovery.


Sidney F.
Apr 01, 2019

hi sidney,

we are in agreement; i don't understand why you say that my comments mix up owners. i have been urging those who haven't joined zimmerman's lawsuit to do so. they are reading my comment right here and now. i stand with you and other fellow TMC owners who have joined the lawsuit.



sidneyf6 wrote:
Hey chris.... please dont mix up people ... those who have paid the retainer have a lawyer... those that choose not to enroll are not represented . He is not all owners lawyer he is my lawyer and only those who pay will get his services and represent our claims for recovery.


Chris V.
Apr 01, 2019

I live in Manhattan, so willing to accommodate any meeting scheduled for owners. Thank you.

Nada N.
Apr 01, 2019

Wow. I am not sure if this type of rude and unprofessional post will encourage owners to join the lawsuit. There are many owners that are just becoming aware of this situation and are looking for information and guidance.We are all in this together and polite and helpful discussions are needed not scolding .

sidneyf6 wrote:
While many of you are discussing how nice it would be to gather and continue discussing theTMC , perhaps eating cookies and coffee on the 26th floor, a small group of us have hired OUR OWN ATTOURNEY TO REPRESENT US AND HOPEFULLY MAKE US WHOLE. Frankly all Zimmerman needs is seed money from those who join and should 14000 not choose to join, the recovery potential for our group will be great and those that dont will be at the end of a very long line. So I have no plans or interest in meeting those that refuse to help themselves and act now by showing faith and resolve by giving a $1250 retainer.

The AG investigation split open the guts of this rotten deal and left a clear road map for Zimmerman to follow in clawing back a large recovery for his clients, with the first court action slated for this week to open up ownership rolls to assist in developing communication and assisting toward new elections to put our people in control of our property. Zimmerman will be following up with a slew of other court proceedings on behalf of MEMBERS and you are choosing to be on the outside looking in.

This may seem harsh but shortly the 15,000 owners interests will be split and those who have chosen not to participate will be on their own without representation and little chance of recovery.

I repeat.... currently our asset is worth about $100 as last valued and maintanance fees are about twice the cost of booking as a hotel. Should anyone have an explanation of why an owner will continue this arrangement and or not join the suit today, I would love to know the reasoning.

To Drusilla, the coalition and all others who have already been totally ripped off by TMC and continue to express hesitation and FEAR I call upon you to face the facts the EICHNER has won and you have lost unless YOU stand tall. Have a nice day sid

Kevin O.
Apr 01, 2019

To all of you that may feel my comments are perhaps abrasive ,divisive , welcome to the real world. We all have been abused terribly by the management and finally we have ONE shot at regaining control.. I again ask each owner to identify a reason not to participate now that we know there is one last chance. No one or government agency will come to YOUR aid. We are approaching court filings and NOW is the time to show TMC that we are serious in a substantial manner. I expect MOST owners will choose to do nothing in the end and thats simply the failings of human nature but those who follow red week know enough today to act or not. I stress (MOST RUDELY) that ultimately that any positive legal decision will mostly benefit those who have hired Zimmerman. Zimmerman has posted all his plans, offered his clear representation contract to all to view and personally answers all questions posed to him.. why dont those with questions call him directly rather than plan for a gathering sometime, somewhere, by a few owners .so what else do you require before you make a decision??? I for one will not give them one more dime, and will only walk back in TMC with a brass band led by OUR new board of directors. Rude Sid

Sidney F.
Apr 01, 2019

Dear Chris.... sorry but when you say Zimmerman is OUR lawyer, people are deluding themselves that they will participate in all recovery possibility. Important for all to know if ya dont join very soon ya dont get,,,,,, personal regret... you are one of the drivers in this effort

Sidney F.
Apr 01, 2019

spoke to zimmerman re concept of ad hock steering committee to work with him/.. he is discussing w partner... want to communicate off this site???

Sidney F.
Apr 01, 2019

Hi Sid, I agree that Mr. Zimmerman is our best hope to try and correct what the AG failed to complete with that weak remedy, after proving their total corruption of what I purchased in good faith. I'm optimistic that this time we will have a good outcome.

I joined the legal action with Attorney Zimmerman today.

Kathleen B.

Last edited by kathleenb204 on Apr 01, 2019 11:53 AM

Apr 01, 2019


you're still not getting my point...............ON WHICH I THOUGHT WE BOTH AGREE......................................

ZIMMERMAN IS...........................................OUR ATTORNEY.................................IF WE PAY HIM TO BE...........................OUR ATTORNEY.

i never said that all owners would benefit if they have not retained zimmerman.

AGAIN, "WIN WITH ZIM..................................BUT ONLY IF YOU'RE IN"....................................SEND HIM YOUR RETAINER FEE NOW.

.................................................................note my poetic prowess, which i just discovered!!

Chris V.

Last edited by chrisv126 on Apr 01, 2019 02:00 PM

Apr 01, 2019

Chris --We are in sink

At 73 I am at the point that I no longer buy green banannas and have little patience with endless questions and no action from those MOST aggrieved by TMC. As a marketing guy, I proposed some stratigies to Mr Zinberg who seemed to express a great deal of interest and will recontact me . I have no interest in endless meetings to discuss reasons why one should not do the obvious. I offer the idea that we and others of strong belief go off line to discuss how better our Z group members can support and provide him with input. While part of my concept is to continue to encourage others to join, we are already moving down the track and its up to them to catch up and join or simply miss the train and cry. If you and 10 or 1000 suit members wish to share info and ideas I am sure some 12 yr old techie can set up a semi secure password site to spread info between our self. For those who may feel a sense of exclusion from this proposal understand that ultimatly there is the requirement of nondisclosure between us and OUR lawyer. Chris or any like minded activist who feels this methodology is the way to go...... feel free to contact me

Sidney F.
Apr 01, 2019

welcome Kathleen B Whatever pushes folks over the wall of inaction ...wonderful I am confident your investment will pay great returns in a variety of ways... hopefully we soon we will have a info network to connect with sid

Sidney F.

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